Getting it done before the arrival of Winter Vortex 2014

Getting it done before the arrival of Winter Vortex 2014

13 PAX reported to The Matrix to get a workout in before the arrival of Winter Vortex 2014.  With temps pretty comfortable and rain holding off until after we were done we got to work as the clock struck 0530.

Jog around parking lot and over to school parking lot for COP:

  • SSH x 20 (IC)
  • Prisoner Squat x 20 (IC)
  • IW x 20 (IC)
  • Merkins x 20 (IC)
  • MC x 20 (IC)

Mosey over to bus parking lot and line up for suicide ladder:

  • Run to 1st marker, 5 merkins, back to start
  • Run to 1st marker, 5 merkins, run to b-ball goal, 10 merkins, back to start
  • Run to 1st marker, 5 merkins, run to b-ball goal, 10 merkins, run to 2nd b-ball goal, 15 merkins, back to start
  • Rinse & repeat with knee ups

Jog over to playground in front of school for some circuit work:

  • Round 1 – 20 dips, 20 incline merkins, 20 squats
  • Round 2 – 20 dips, 20 decline merkins, 20 jump squats
  • Round 3 – 20 dips, 20 wide arm merkins, 20 sister mary katherines

Mosey down the sidewalk to rock pile and grab a friend (size does matter as we will be on move).  Cross the soccer fields (aka swamp) and line up in the parking lot:

  • Round 1 – 5 rock curls, run to mid-point of parking lot, 10 rock curls, drop rock and run to end, back to mid-point, 15 rock curls, and return to starting point with rock
  • Round 2 – 5/10/15 push presses w/ rock
  • Round 3 – 5/10/15 goblet squats
  • Round 4 – 5/10/15 tricep extensions

Return rock to rock pile and slow jog back to launch point for 6 MOM:

  • 10 Burpees OYO (wouldn’t be workout without a few burpees)
  • Dolly x 20 (IC), hold’em
  • Flutter x 20 (IC), hold’em
  • LBC x 25 (IC)
  • Freddie Mercury x 20 (IC)
  • 1 minute left – Burpees OYO (AMRAP)



  • Nice work by all the PAX as temps were fine but there was not a dry spot to be found
  • Lobster Roll, TL and a couple others running out front for the Suicide Ladders
  • Original plan was to complete rock exercises on Soccer Fields, but audibled to parking lot after seeing how little drainage had occurred from the recent rains.  Apologies to Crab Cake who called for a little Ruck/Mud Run training
  • O’Tannenbaum leading the way on the sprints with the rocks


  • F3 viewing party for “Lone Survivor” at Cinebarre Arboretum this Friday, 1/10/14.  See E-vite for details
  • All Area 51 workouts running “The Murph” this Saturday in coordination with the viewing of “Lone Survivor”
  • Check out website and weekly e-mails for additional news/highlights


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Abacus author

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