Gorillas in the Mist

Gorillas in the Mist

15 committed fellows made the decision to join me in the gloom this morning and follow me around McKee Road Elementary for the weekly gathering known as The Matrix. All chose the red pill and down the rabbit hole we went…


Quick mosey around school, across parking lots, through fields and around track. Circle up for COP:


  • SSH x25
  • 10 Burpees OYO
  • IW x20
  • 10 Burpees OYO
  • Low Slow Squats x20
  • 10 Burpees OYO
  • Merkins x10
  • 10 Burpees OYO
  • Mountain Climbers x20
  • 10 Burpees OYO
  • LBC x20
  • 10 Burpees OYO

Mosey to Playground for circuit work:

  • 10 Pullups/15 jump squats/20 derkins
  • Plankorama
  • Repeato x3

Mosey to other side of school for wall work:

  • People’s chair (mixing in air presses, alternating R leg/L leg raised, etc.)
  • 20 incline merkins off curb
  • Repeato x3
  • Feet-on-wall Plank
  • Feet-on-wall Mountain climbers x20
  • BTW (:30)

Mosey to track and line-up:

  • 11s sideline-to-sideline: hand-release merkins and tuck jumps

Fast Mosey back to Home Base for COT



–  Excellent gloomy conditions this morning. A nice (in an F3 sort of way) damp chill to the air created the perfect conditions for 16 mouthbreathers to generate a significant amount of steam around the playground during the circuit work. Interesting to visually observe the amount of CO2 we exhaled – provided a nice gauge to the intensity of the workout.

–  Felt like good 2ndF throughout, even though there wasn’t a whole lot of talking. Interesting what bonds can be formed on the gloomy fields even though we don’t say a lot and can barely see each other at times. Probably the real reason folks came out this morning, although I’d like to think it was in eager anticipation of my beatdown.

–  Nice lead by Zip to get us back to the COT. I felt it was fair to let the guy complaining about 30 seconds of OT set the pace so we could get out of there. Apparently some (one?) of us wanted to get to work on time this morning.

–  Note to self for next time: fast mosey after a BTW session doesn’t work so well. Almost did a faceplant after my first two steps due to the rapid return of blood from my head to my body.

–  Thanks for following my lead today, fellas. Always a pleasure to lead the PAX. And on the last The Matrix of the year, provided me an extra moment to reflect on how I have grown in each of the 3 Fs this year past. Another year of similar growth is one of the things I am looking forward to most in 2014.


–  Convergence workout 1/1/14 at Death Valley – 7-8 am. All other Wednesday workouts closed.

–  Convergence workout 1/4/14 at The Fort – 7-8 am, with Joe Davis 5k at 9 am. Preblast with details went out or click here: http://f3nation.com/2013/12/29/preblast-convergence-and-5k/

– Most South Charlotte/Area51 workouts will be closed 1/4/14, but a few (e.g., The Rock) will be open. See weekly email for more info.

– Area 51 “Lone Survivor” movie (Jan 10) and Murph (Jan 11) is coming up.  Movie theater reserved by Stone Cold at Cinebarre.  Looking for a big presence for the movie (remember to bring cash).  All Saturday workouts will run “The Murph” the following day (Jan 11) .  Tons of details here, including logistics for movie, evite, and HDHH opportunity prior to movie: http://f3nation.com/2013/12/27/area-51-2nd-f-preblast-lone-survivor-movie-friday-followed-by-murph-saturday/

–  More announcements and details in the weekly email. Read it.

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Young Love author

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10 years ago

Thanks for leading today. The burpee assault during warmup made it hard for me to keep up for the rest.

– HH

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