The VSF was planted as Wingman pulled in at 0530 + 13 seconds….and 15 Friday morning fartsack forsakers took off for a rather unorthodox and fully unpremidated? assault at Centurion.
The Thang:
14 actually jogged out of the launch lot, and Jamboree joined us about 90 seconds in as he had run from home to post at Centurion; so we had 15 ultimately.
Jog 3/4 around football stadium and over to one of the lots along Little Avenue for brief COP.
Squat x 20
Mtn Climber x 20
Freddie Mercury x 20
Jog to Natatorium lot.
Lunge walk down the hill.
At this point, the pax was certain that YHC was making up the workout regimen on the fly.
As one pax ran up and down the hill, the other 14 did the following exercises. Each pax ran up/down the hill once. (YHC makes no claim of full accuracy to the following, and by all means – shout out in comments to add/amend):
15 Merkins, 14 Squats, 13 CDDs, 12 H-R Merkins, 11 Rockhoppers, 10 Widearm Merkins, 9 Diamond Merkins, 8 one-legged squats (8 each leg), 7 Jump Squats, Plankwork while some of the pax ran including Christian Laettner, Rocky Balboa’s, Elbows, 6-inches, etc, etc.
Bear crawl up the hill….couple of #refuseniks in the crowd, and at the risk of offending I will name LD as one of those. Had YHC called plank-walks up the hill, LD would have been waiting at the top for the rest of the pax. #notdoingit
Jog to back entrance of CCHS for some more ad-libbed hill-running. Similar format to the hill work at the natatorium….and same disclaimer of any accuracy to the following:
15 MC’s, 14 Freddie Mercury’s, 13 Peter Parkers, 12 LBCs, 11 Flutters, 10 CDDs, 9 Dolly’s, 8 Diamond Merkins, 7 Shore Shoulders – 7 forward & backward; can’t remember the rest other than PH leading us in his Squat 4-point dance, toe touch thing…which incidentally puts small tears in the MCL or PCL or ACL…. #sweepthelegJohnny
High knees to stop sign.
64-yard lunge walk to stop sign…a CCHS record.
Grab a rock so to reminisce a bit about Tuesday’s Skunkvergence:
Overhead press x 13
Louganis x 13
Tricep Extension x 13
Russian Twist x 13
Suicide Runs in main parking lot:
20 yards, 50 yards, 80 yards, 110 yards – AYG.
Mosey back to launch lot for COT.
Good crew out there today. Soft Pretzel: FNG to Centurion? Thanks to the pax for enduring some ad-libbing from YHC; though I think a sufficient amount of pain was doled out. YHC was appropriately hissed for calling Diamond Merkins both times when it was my turn to run the hill. #avoidthekryptonite
T-claps to Jamboree for running from home to Centurion…though YHC gave him a ride home after his FNG post to The Stand afterwards so he wouldn’t be too late to work. Good turnout at The Stand, btw, with 7 pax posting including 3 FNGs. #3rdF
Wingman did not disappoint or surprise with his usual late arrival to Centurion. Someone else arrived as we were launching – shout out below and be duly recognized for your tardiness.
Had never noticed those rocks before in all my Centurion posts – will remember next time I’m on Q….if Chelms invites me to Q again after hearing complaints from the pax from this morning’s effort.
…and 2 days, 2 posts for Bugeater after Q’ing Hydra yesterday….I sense a trend here brother! See you tomorrow morning.
Frasier and Jamboree were torching the suicide runs as we finished. No surprise there. #smokeboots Long Distance, interestingly enough, had plenty of gas left in the tank as he was getting after it on the run back to the launch lot for COT #cantwaitfornameorama
The yuletide pain was felt, made worse by the pax’ overindulgence in Christmas cookies & libations over the preceding 3 days #yuletidecomeuppance
Good work out there this morning men. See you again soon in the gloom.
1) Olympus converges with Day Zero @ Day Zero – 0630 start; 45 min of Olympus-KB pain followed by Day Zero-like pain
2) Ascent converges with The Rock @ The Rock – 0700
New Years Day Convergence at SCLT MS – No Anvil. No The Maul. Watch for more info from Joker via tweet or email or website or some such. – Next Saturday 1/4/14 @ 0700:
1) Convergence with The Fort @ 0700, 2) Coffeteria onsite, 3) Joe Davis 5K @ 0900
350 signed up – but still time to sign up! Wingman will tweet/post more details soon.
Friday, 1/10 and Saturday 1/11 – Lone Survivor and The Murph:
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