“He should shoot himself first…”

“He should shoot himself first…”

9 Pax came out this morning at SPEARHEAD to get a baseline on where we stood individually on the GORUCK Selection Standards for PT…which all started yesterday as our own Liquor Cycle almost made a completely insane decision (on a whim and 2 hour notice) to hop in the car, drive 6 hours and enter the GORUCK Selection.  As a team, we all started emailing and sending messages to our GORUCK brothers asking if 1) Could he enter, 2) What we all had that we could loan him in short notice so he can have an acceptable Ruck and 3) Is this a good and rational decision (for which we got back a quote from a guy on Facebook that actually entered and passed Selection (only 2 of 11 in his class made it through).  He said “Scooter should shoot himself first…”  (we later discovered that it would have been a short Selection process due to the full range sit ups.  Something we all need to significantly improve.

OUR Q is Hurt (Big League Chew)…so we called for an All Star Q.  Basically The Hoff, Liquor Cycle and Dora pulled out some of their “All Star” routines, combined into 1 45 minute session and took turns Q’ing in 15 minute sessions.  What we found out was having 3 Q’s in that short of time was a horrible idea.  It gave the Pax a fresh Q and the intensity never let up!

The Thang:

Extra Credit: 04:55 PT Test

2:00 of Merkins Selection Quality

2:00 of Sit Ups Selection Quality

1-2 Mile Run

The Hoff Q:

(8) Count Body Builders / Monkey Humpers – Jack Webb Style

Mosey to End Zone

Sled Work: 5 Man Sled

5 Pax on sled, 4 off. Every 20 paces rotate to the right.  Guys off the sled Lunge Walk and Bear Crawl x 200 Yards

Liquor Cycle Q:

End Zone- 150 Yards of Pain

Merkins x 10

Roll right twice

Merkins x 10

Roll left twice

Bear Crawl x 10 yards

Roll right twice

Mountain Climbers

Roll left twice

Bear Crawl 10 yards

Duck walk 10 yards

Flutter press with ruck x 40

Backwards Crab Walk 20 yards

Low Crawl with Pack Push 30 yards

Sniper Drills – Down, Jail Break to sideline

Squats x 20

Sniper Drills to Mid-Field – Down, Jail Break to sideline

Step us x 20 (10 each leg)

Jail Break to Mid-Field

Dora Q:

Tabata HIIT Training

3 minutes of / 1 minute off – during work good form but SPRINT routine (as fast as you can do it)

Pack Curl Thruster x3

Merkins x 6

Squats x 9

Rinse and repeat for (5) 3 minute cycles


Outstanding work all around and CONGRATS to Crab Cakes as he earned his SPEARHEAD patch today.  It is a lot easier for us in Area 51 to earn the patch, but something to be said and pointed out about Crab Cakes’ dedication.  He lives in Fort Mill and posts usually at The Fort.  A trek to Carmel Middle is quite the drive for someone looking to post at 04:45 in the morning.  He has to wake up much earlier than we do,and despite lack of rest and a longer commute he pulled off posting 9 times, and completed the 12 Days of Christmas Patch Challenge as well!!  On behalf of the SPEARHEAD family, WELCOME brother and we are proud to have you.

Additionally, I’ve got to give massive T-claps to Package…this guy comes all the way out with Crab Cakes and today proved that he is a specimen…he knocked off 71 Quality Merkins in 2 minutes.  I think Lab Rat has been giving him some kind of performance enhancing stuff or something.  We’d better get this guy back to the lab for more testing before word gets out to the authorities…there is a BEAST on the loose!  And it is quite possible Package slipped Uncle Leo something as well.  This guy crushed it during the run..remained quiet the whole workout and was truly a “Silent Assassin” as he finished the Tabata first and continued doing it lapping a few of the Pax as we all struggled to keep up.

Part of us are glad Liquor didn’t make the impulsive decision to do selection this weekend, but after talking to him about his motivation behind why he wanted to do it was summed up in 1 word…MOTHER-IN-LAW.  Selection actually sounds like a good decision now.

Thank you again for letting us lead you and it is always an honor.


The Hoff




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BTB (Bob The Builder)
11 years ago

That routine sounds awesome. Three Qs is a tough order. That’s almost unfair

Good work guys!

Uncle Leo
11 years ago

PT results were humbling. Great lead by all Qs. One day Dora will have to explain the magic of 3/6/9 on the tabata. Seemed like a magic way to hurt others from where I was.

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