Cindy takes measurements (and names)

Cindy takes measurements (and names)

A record 16 pax met at Ascent for a moderate workout or maybe for the promise of minimal running.  One of those objectives may have been achieved…

The Thang


  • 1 lap on the mini-track (1/8 mile)
  • Side Straddle Hop (SSH) 15
  • Imperial Walker (IW) 15
  • Peter Parker 15
  • Seal Jacks 15

Mosey to the playground


  • Pullups 5
  • Pushups 10
  • Squats 15
  • Rinse & repeato for 20 minutes
  • (Keep track of how many circuits you complete for personal benchmarking vs future workouts)

Mosey around the ballfield to catch our breath

Mary (in cadence):

  • Twist 15
  • Dolly 15
  • LBC 15
  • Flutter 15

KB & running circuits

Audible – due to the record number of pax and only 7 KB/DB – partner up

  • Partner 1 – performs exercise; Partner 2 – run to batting cages & back (about 125 yards); flapjack; on subsequent turns, alternate exercises until time is called

Set 1 (~8 min):

  • 2-hand swing
  • overhead pullovers

Set 2 (~6 min):

  • Viking (L&R) (thanks, TR!) ( #crowdpleaser)
  • Row (L&R)

Set 3 (~5 min):

  • Single leg Romanian deadlift (L&R)
  • Sumo deadlift high pull

Moderate work:

  • Mosey to wall for People’s Chair (1 min)




YHC had pre-blasted on Twitter to bring KB/DBs and advertising minimal running.  YHC neglected to preblast on the website, so some pax missed the call for KBs.  No matter, Champagne brought 4(!) and we were able to partner up for some 2nd F while we worked.  And worked we did…

The CrossFit “nasty girl” Cindy has become a quarterly benchmark workout for Ascent, providing the pax with a chance to gauge our progress, in addition to working on our pullup capacity, a softly stated goal at Ascent.  Pax are/were strongly encouraged to modify as needed, using supine pullups or taking breathers, whatever; but no matter, Cindy is not moderate.  When he could focus, YHC noted some strong effort out there by all!  T-claps, guys!

As an added bonus, after Gummy’s 8 min cycle last week through the same exercises as Cindy, and now this week, the pax is ready for the Partner Murph on Jan 11!

A light jog and then an early Mary session allowed us to recover from Cindy, and the pax was ready for the KBs.

With the record number of pax and the previously unknown number of coupons (KB/DBs) (#SPEARHEADlingo), a quick audible to partner got us to 8 pairs and 7 coupons.  Mix in a little unplanned running, and we were pretty much there.  The pax were treated to mix of familiar KB exercises, like 2-handed swings, some vaguely familiar ones, like single-leg Romanian deadlifts (which challenged our stability), and strange new ones, like the Viking (thanks again, TR).

Thanks, all, for your partnering and sharing of the weights; I think everyone got a fair amount of work in, based on the mumblechatter.  And, hopefully the running wasn’t too much, esp since the preblast promised a low volume of running.

Speaking of mumblechatter, there were a few questions of “where’s the moderate?”, and that’s fair.  When the Cindy benchmark is run, Ascent isn’t so moderate, even though you can moderate it on your own during the timed event.  That said, it is about the hardest workout we run at Ascent.  Most are more moderate, so don’t let today’s workout discourage you!

Thanks for the privilege of leading today.  It’s an honor.


Ascent will converge next week, 12/28, at the Rock.

Jan 4 – general Area 51 convergence at Joe Davis Memorial 5k run.  See details on our website.

Jan 10/11 – 2nd F on Friday night for a showing of the Lone Survivor movie and then all Area 51 Saturday workouts are running The Murph workout.  Ascent will participate with a Partner Murph, effectively cutting the workout in half.

Young Life – Robin Hood mentioned a 5k in the spring (March?) and a family camping weekend over Mother’s Day weekend.  (Robin Hood or Blitzen – please sound off in comments below with corrections or more details, if available.)

Thanks, Slim Fast for your closing prayer.

Merry Christmas!!

About the author

High Tide author

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Strange Brew
Strange Brew
11 years ago

Wow, a 39 year old war baby? Don’t see that very often, looks like Robin Hood added yet another year, I remember him as 62, so strong to see you posting brother! Wish I could have met Cindy this weekend, will try not to miss her next time. Look forward to posting with the Ascent crew at the “double down” in January. Murph it is!

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