Time to carry some humans…get prepared for the Challenge

Time to carry some humans…get prepared for the Challenge

7 Ruckers showed up at 04:45 today at SPEARHEAD to carry logs, sandbag and of course…each other.  Good Livin!

The Thang:

Not much to report here other than a 3.2 Mile Ruck, 40+ Ruck Sacks carrying a lot of heavy stuff.



Today, Chicken Wing gets the quote of the day in that while we were Rucking, he mentioned to YHC that he thought “the Ruck was too easy”…big mistake.  After that, YHC decided to start killing off people. Get used to carry guys with packs for while as we prepare for the GRC.  One of the most important, and painful things you can do is get practice carrying humans as during the challenge it is 100% for sure you will get a lot of this. 

Additionally, as we approach the GRC on Feb. 7th, F3 Custom Heavy and F3 Challenge you will start to see SPEARHEAD morph into the GORUCK Training Grounds that it was back a few months ago.  Trust us, as people who train several days each week at SPEARHEAD by simulating The Welcome Party, Ruck each week and show up with a Ruck on at the majority of F3 sites we attend, our site leaders are excited and fully preparred to get the PAX ready for what is to come.  For many, this could be their first GORUCK experience.  For me, having trained at SPEARHEAD got my mind and body ready and it was a pleasure to look up every now and then in moments of suffering and see the guys who were leading the way…at the top of the class were the our F3 brothers.  Our SPEARHEAD and F3 guys carried more weight, complained less and would always step up when needed.

It is going to be a great training season and we at SPEARHEAD welcome anyone who want to be ready.


The Hoff


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BTB (Bob The Builder)
11 years ago

That was a pretty good one, Hoff. I especially enjoyed bone crusher (not really).

Also enjoyed the 2ndF, but not looking forward to your training sessions for the SPEARHEAD CIVIL WAR.

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