20 gentlemen gathered at The Maul on a misty, almost muggy December morning.
Met beside the movie theatre and jogged to center parking lot at Stonecrest – circled up for war ups.
Warm ups:
Remained in circle and counted off in two groups of 1&2’s. 1’s ran to fountain wall about 200 yards for 3 exercises all with 15 reps: jump ups, dips, sitting knee ups (abs); the 2,s remained in circle and performed 3 exercises: merkins x 30, LBC’s x 50, lunges x 20 (10 each leg). 1′ s returned to circle and the 2’s ran to knee wall as the groups traded exercises:
Repeated the above for Round 2:
Knee Wall (15 reps): incline merkins x 15, dips x 15, 1-legged squats x 10 ea leg, sitting knee ups x 15.
Circle: merkins x 30, jump ups x 25 (both knees touch hands extended at waist level), dolly x 25 in cadence.
After completing around 2, all gathered in the circle in parking lot for a variety of merkins:
5 merkin exercises @ 10 reps each: wide, regular, narrow, diamonds, Carolina dry docks
All jogged to rear of the mall and performed various exercises between each of the speed bumps extending the length of the building (about 300 yards):Bear crawls, backward run, karaoke, sprints.
Circled up at end of building for Mary with a Merkin Ladder (reps of 2,4,6,8,10,8,6,4,2 between each set of abs all in cadence of 15 to 20: LBCs, dolly, flutter, heels to heaven with dolly, protractor, side knee ups on left and right, bicycle, mason twists
Indian run back to start in 2 lines with a sprint at finish of about 100 yards.
Finished with 1 burpee because we hadn’t done any!!!
Large winter gathering at The Maul on Wednesday. Apparently the cold weather does keep a few away, but with the spring like temps, all Pax felt safe to crawl out of the sack and put in some work.
Frehley’s is known for his love of merkins and today he delivered his usual chest beating.
I couldn’t help but notice the 20 somethings that seem to be taking over in South Charlotte. These spring chickens were flying around The Maul today seemingly unfazed by any workout thrown their way. (Indian Hill, Crabgrass, Grass Stain, Mighty Mite) It’s good to see and it pushes us old folks to work harder.
It should also be noted that Frehley’s has taken months of grief for his lack of interest in posting backblasts on the site or even knowing how to. He does now have a site log in, but isn’t quite ready to actually post with it yet. Baby steps.
Has anyone seen Chipotle? Perhaps a rename to Fartsack?
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