Preblast: Devil’s Turn – December 5

Preblast: Devil’s Turn – December 5

Ok running enthusiasts. It’s time again for some hill intervals.  Here’s the plan:

1) 5:15 am leave from greenway parking lot (corner of Rea Rd. and Bevington Place)

2) Run 1 mile to base of hill

3) Run fast up hill approximately 8 times in 10 minutes with a recovery jog down each time

4) Continue 1 mile to S. Charlotte Middle – Optional COP

5) Run back 1 mile to hill and repeat 8 hill accents (hard) and decents (recovery)

6) Run 1 mile back to parking lot for COT


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Honey Bee author

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10 years ago

This is a dreadful idea Honey Bee. It will be very painful.

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