Two men gathered at McKee Road Elementary School to burn off some of the extra Thanksgiving calories.
The Thang
Standard warm up… you know the drill
Lunge walk and merkins combo
Little Baby Jog
Pull up and dip combo
Bear crawl / sprint combo
People’s Chair
Step Ups
Random pull ups, CDDs, and merkins
Trail Run
Merkins and dips combo
It only takes two for an official F3 workout, and two PAX it was. My observations on a two-person workout:
-“Circle it up” just doesn’t work with two, but it’s hard not to say it.
-During opening warm ups it’s difficult to determine where to fix your gaze… prolonged eye contact in a two person workout can become awkward.
-Finding the right partner for partner exercises requires little thought.
-And all kidding aside… the fellowship is strong. Strange Brew and I had a full year of fellowship conversation packed into 75 minutes. It was a reminder that a small group… even a group of two… can have the full F3 experience.
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