I Agreed to What?!

I Agreed to What?!

9 posted this morning for a workout filled with audibles this morning by YHC.

The Thang

Mosey to baseball field for COP
SSH x 20, IW x 20, Low Slow Squat x 20, Hand Release Merkins x 10, LBC’s x 20, Peter Parkers x 20, Freddy Mercury x 20, Parker Peters x 20, Dolly x 20, Mountain Climbers x 20

Mosey to another baseball field for
Bear Crawl to 1st, Crabwalk to 2nd, Backward Bear Crawl to 3rd, Run home
Grand Slam Homer Karaoke Right
Same with Karaoke Left
To Field for some Mary

Mosey to football field & divide into 2 groups
Group 1 Sprint to 30 & back then Group 2 goes
Same to/from 50
Same to/from 80
Same to/from 100

All Line up on Goal
Sprint to 30 with 5-10 Merkins
Sprint to 50 – 5-10 Merkins
Sprint to 30 – 10 squats
Sprint to 50 – 10 squats

Finish with Sprint to 100 with 10 burpees then mosey back for COT

Thanks High Tide for the opportunity to lead this morning. YHC agreed to do this before knowing that YHC was also going to be filling in as Q at Joust the day before which meant three days in a row. Normally, that’s no problem, but it’s a little problematic as YHC is trying to get rid of a nasty case of plantar faschitis. So this morning when the feet hit the floor and the pain in the left heel was almost unbearable, YHC thought “Why did I have to agree to lead today?!”
Thankfully though, the pain diminished enough to hopefully give the pax a decent Thanksgiving weekend workout.

Welcome to FNG’s Malware (from Durham) and Fret. Like YHC, Fret is an actual Charlotte native. #EndangeredSpecies. Fret, hope to see you out in the gloom in the near future.

About the author

Skywalker author

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Strange Brew
Strange Brew
10 years ago

That sounds like a great lead, thanks for playing through the pain, the workout looked great, sorry to have missed it, come out next week for a (what seems to be these days) rare Strange Brew Q.

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