Fast mosey back across the church lot (avoiding puddles, speed bumps, slick spots, disintegrated pavement and orange cones) to the rock pile. Pick a rock appropriate for hefting and running-with.
Circle up in nearby lot for hefting work. Perform exercise, drop rock, rotate counter-clockwise to next rock, perform next exercise, continue on. Exercises: Curls, Good Mornings, Overhead Press (from chest), Squat. Repeat all 3x.
Pick up rock and mosey to bottom of hill at Entrance #4.
Partner work: Partner 1 runs with rock while Partner 2 exercises. Then flapjack.
Exercises: P1 Sprint up hill, mosey back // P2 merkins. Flapjack. P1 Sprint up hill, mosey back // P2 Carolina Dry-docks. Flapjack. P1 Backwards sprint up hill, mosey back // P2 dollies w/ rock press. Flapjack. P1 Backwards spring up hill, mosey back // P2 flutters w/ rock press. Flapjack.
Leave rocks on median, all bear crawl up to light (hill halfway point), lunge remainder of hill. Turn around and bear crawl back down to light then lunge back to bottom.
Pick up rocks and fast mosey to rock pile. Practice shot putting rock into rock pile.
Fast mosey to playground. P1 20 donkey kicks on swings, P2 Freddie Mercury. Flapjack.
Everyone stop and do 1 turkish getup (or, roll, if you don’t do it precisely), just to make sure we get our backsides nice and wet.
Return to cars for COT.
It turns out that a misty 45 degrees is near perfect conditions for a workout. Solid work by the pax this am. Interesting to do a workout where we didn’t stay dry, but we didn’t really get wet either.
Rock circle provided a nice opportunity for 2ndF while enjoying 1stF. Extremely evident that certain PAX (who shall remain nameless) enjoy hefting boulders, while others apparently thought we were going to do one-armed exercises with their pebbles rocks.
Entrance #4 never fails to deliver. Descending bear crawls (on slick pavement) never fail to deliver either. #jawbreaker
Yep, the usual ones.
Thanksgiving morning convergence 7 am at Calvary. Bring 10 cans (per family) to donate. Ruck the workout with the cans for extra-credit.
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