6 men showed up and Long Distance whiped the floor with all of them
Iron Horse Q
Run ~100’s and at each end doing one segment of ‘broken burpees’:
– Deep Squat x 15
– Frog Leap x 15
– Merkin x 15
– Jump Squat x 15
(therefore 4 100’s for 1 round)
Next round, doing x10 reps.
Third round doing x5 reps.
(therefore 12 100’s for full set)
Next Set:
– Bottom Squat x 15
– Merkin (bottom count) x 15
– Rev Lunge (each leg) x 15
– CDD x 15
Next round, doing x10 reps.
Third round doing x5 reps.
(12 100’s)
Next Set:
– Dolly x 20 + wide merkins x 10
– Flutter x 20+ diamond merkins x 10
– LBC x 20 + wide merkins x 10
– Rosalita x 20 + diamond merkins x 10
Rinse and Repeat
(8 100’s)
Radar Q
Run over and get a rock and partner up
Small group today so no one could hide. Semi Gloss mentioned this on the first 100 through weird noises and moans. Everyone was a bit shocked to see Bulldog show up at Day Zero. He hasn’t been back since the first DZ challenge. He made himself at home and promptly broke wind right in my face as I held his feet for Grown man Sit up. The Brits have no couth. It reeked of bad tea and crumpets. To make it worse as I turn my head to escape it Semi Glosses shirt is up around his neck fully exposing himself.
Long Distance has found his exercise. I anticipate his next Q to be a full 45 minutes of plank walks. He lead the pack today and let us know about. “ Am I beating you?” “ I finally have an exercise I win at”. I have always appreciated humility. Nice work out there today LD. I guess I should talk about Purple Haze because if I don’t his feelings will be hurt. So here it goes. Next time you are around PH and someone calls knee tucks watch him. It is extremely awkward and painful.
Iron horse never disappoints. He apparently is starting his own clothing line and patch business. He was sporting his very detailed go ruck shirt. “ This little square here represents the concrete that was on the pole…..” “and this cobra over here….” #toomuchspearhead.
Fine work by all today. Thanks for the opportunity to have me and Iron Horse lead.
Day Zero Challenge next week
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