Circle up
SSH x40
IW x30
Hand Release Merkins x20
Carolina Dry Docks x20
Peter Parker x12
Parker Peter x12
Prisoner Squat x25
Monkey Humpers x10
Mosey to large SCMS Parking Lot & count off
Divide onto opposite sides of parking lot.
Shuffle Left
Shuffle Right
Backward Run
Karaoke Left
Karaoke Right
Backward Run
Mosey to School to grab some wall.
2x 1 min wall sit
Jack Webb (guest Q- RunStopper) ladder up to 50 overhead presses
People’s Choice Mary
Skywalker- Dolly x40
RunStopper (Going Rouge x20 Burpees)
Iron Mike- LBC x40
? – Flutter x30
Line up for Indian Run back to parking lot with 6 min to spare.
10×6- 10 burpees per minute for 6 minutes (sorry missed the 100 burpee mark for the day)
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