A dozen hearty SOBs (Sons of Ballantyne) posted to continue the celebration of a great Panthers victory, and kick off our week with a solid workout. Setting foot on the Elon campus for the first time the morning of the workout, YHC felt like an unexpected guest, but at least I brought my own kettlebell-
The Thang
Warm up jog around the entry drive, back to the parking lot.
SSH x 25
Goblet Squat x 20
Merkins, Left hand on bell x 10 (Ten was enough for the Panthers, so a good theme for the morning)
Merkins Right hand on bell x 10
Two-hand kb swing x 10
Mosey down to field 1 with bells
Partner Chase-Partner 1 lies on his back, at “Go” gets up and chases down Partner 2 across width of field.
Flapjack back to start
From goal line, Partner 1 farmer carries both kb’s, Partner 2 does 10 Merkins and chases him down. Pass kb’s, flapjack to far goal line and back.
Mosey outside fence
Side lunge walk facing field about 20 yards, facing away from field another 20 yards.
Hamburger Hill
Kettlebell bear crawl up hill, Lunge walk down. 10 Merkins at bottom.
Repeat, with 10 Diamonds at bottom.
Kettlebell bear crawl back to top.
Mosey to Jungle Gym
10 Chin Ups, 10 Step Ups w KB, 10 Dips w KB. Cycle thru stations, rinse and repeat.
Hoist KBs overhead (disclaimer) meander to school wall.
People’s Chair w KB in lap, Recover.
People’s Chair w KB held out at arm’s length, Recover.
Bicycle x 30
People’s Chair w KB overhead, Recover.
LBCs x 30
KB Curls x 10
10 Burpees OYO
Overhead Press x 10
Two Arm Swings x 10
10 Burpees OYO
Figure 8 x 10
Two Hand Swing x 10
Mosey back to lot for COT
I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to join the men of Foxhole for a workout. DMZ is close to home, but this is a strong group and I look forward to coming back. If I hadn’t joined the 26 Pax at Fox and Hound last night, I might not have known this was a gear workout! Thanks for the heads-up-
YHC was humbly grateful to join the ranks, and would be honored to Q anytime Market Timer and Honey Bee need cover.
Thunder Road this Saturday: 80+ Pax will be out running either the Half or Full Marathon. Please make time to cheer the men on.
Convergence January 4 in Ft Mill for 5k to raise funds for Substance Abuse, to honor the memory of our own Rock Thrill’s brother Joe Davis. Here is a link
Be sure to use code F3 at checkout to get price down to $20 and track our participation.
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