A Smoker- Lower then Upper

A Smoker- Lower then Upper

Plenty of winter hats and long sleeves as the pax crawled out of their warm cars on this chilly morning.  So, let’s not stand around, let’s go!
Stone Cold’s Half:
Fellowship jog to warm up around the corner to the mailbox
SSH x 25
A little faster up the street and around the median back to the mailbox
IW x 20
A little faster up the street and around the median back to the mailbox
Slow Squat x 20
Back up the street around the corner back to school to the field

Jack Squat (Jack Webb for the legs):  (n+1) Squat to Jump Knee Tucks / 4(n+1) Squats, where n = (0 to 7).  Ouch!

Grab a rock, mosey to the school wall,

People’s chair with rock squeezed between legs (30 sec)

Lunge walk out, toy solider (high kicks) back

People’s chair with resistance, legs pushing out (30 sec)

Backwards lunge walk out, toy solider (high kicks) back

Good Mornings with rock x 20

People’s chair with rock again (1 min)

Back to field for Mary:  LBC x 30, Slow Bicycle x 10, Roselita x 20, Flutter kick x 20

Busch’s Half:

Choose your partner wisely!

Wheelbarrow partner Indian Runs: group does slow wheelbarrow while last partner group stops wheelbarrow and races/sprints to the front of pack (do this for the length of the field and switch positions on the wheelbarrow when getting to the front)…keep up with who wins your sprints and  at the end of the time, loser does 20 burpees, winner does squats while partner is doing burpees
Sprint to playground, loser does 10 burpees
Combined partner 100 pull ups (when done do lbcs until others finished)
Sprint to the center of the field, loser does 10 burpees, winner does squats
Combined partner leg throws 150
Sprint back to playground, loser does 10 burpees, winner does squats
Combined partner 200 merkins and dips
Diamond Merkins/ Pull up/ dips again x ? (until Busch said stop)
Back to cars for Busch lead slow merkins (regular and diamond)
A SMOKER- Lower half then upper half.  YHC was totally smoked after my half on the legs.  So, there was no way I was winning any sprints…had to take the punishment of burpees.
YHC pulled the Jack Squats (and most of my half) out from previous Kevlar workout lead by TR.  Remembered it being a tough one and my memory was correct.  #fredsandfordwalk tomorrow.
Long Distance has really come a long distance from when he first started.  Strong on the pull-ups, brother.  Great partnering with you today.
I believe, the two Toms (Iron Horse & Sweetness)both 50+ were leading the pax with partner combos; Respect and strength there fellas. T-claps
Movember:  Hops looks like a Mt Man, and The Shore is going for the Hulk Hogan look
Fletch is fast and Busch is strong, enuf said
Thanks to Radar and Haze for letting Busch and I lead today, we hope you got your money’s worth.

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