TagTeam 400’s

TagTeam 400’s

10 Brave Pax answered the call of the Alarm clock and posted for a chilly edition of Fast Twitch.  It was nice and clear with a cool breeze to begin and the pax looked eager to get started.  So away we went…

The Thang

2 Laps around the Parking Lot to Warm Up with High Knees, Butt Kickers, Backwards Run, Caroke, and Shuffle mixed in to get the legs nice and loose for the track beat down that awaited.

COP – in the field beside the Parking lot.  On the way to COP in a field that appeared to be well lit, Frasier managed to splash into the one puddle in our zip code as if he were pulled into its nucleus via tractor beam.  This would explain his smoke boots on the 400’s as he was trying to fight off the right footed frost bite.

Merkins x 25 IC

 (heard mumble chatter early on from one of the pax that this was supposed to be a running workout.  No worries, there will be time for running after an upper body beatdown)

Side Straddle Hops x 25 IC

Wide Arm Merkins x 20 IC

Imperial Walkers x 25 IC

Military Merkin x 15 IC

Prisoner Squat x 25 IC

The Thang – Partner up and mosey to the track.  Thankfully we had the track for ourselves this morning as the special of the day was Fast 400’s.  Partner 1 Ran a Hard Lap, Tagged Partner 2 – Who then runs a Hard Lap.  Partner 1 recovers while Partner 2 Runs – Rinse and Repeat until each Duo completes a total of 16 laps (or 8 by each pax).  Once the requisite laps were completed – Soft pedal a Recovery Pace Lap with your partner.


Lunge Walk from the track to the Bathrooms (audible – let’s make it to the covered pergola at the midway point since QIC’s legs were starting to fail).

Jog it to the Parking Lot for 5Minutes of Mary.

Flutter x25 IC

Hold it

Dolly x 25 IC

Russian Twist x 25 IC

That’s All Folks…


Many of the pax donned their winter gear this morning with a few Pax in Pants and several sporting various forms of insulated winter head gear.  Extra layers were needed at the beginning but the temperature heated up as we made our way around the track at Fast Twitch pace.  Strong Effort by all of the pax today.  The between lap recovery allowed for some 2nd F in addition to heavy breathing and stretching.   49er and Frasier set the pace and continued to push the Pax this morning – much appreciated.  Lots of encouragement out there on the track today, positivity abounds in the F3 circle and it was evident this morning.  A great Prayer to send us off by Purple Haze.


Announcements – lots of em (see the website for specifics).

Spring Mud Run – Sign up if you haven’t yet

USMC Birthday Workout Sunday 11/10 at 7am

2nd F Panthers Game this Sunday 11/10 3-7pm at Fox & Hound Ballantyne (see Evite)

Convergence and Joe Davis Memorial 5K on Jan 4th in Fort Mill (sign up and post a comment on the site)

3rd F workouts – Wed, Thurs and Friday (see weekly email for details and locations)




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Turkey Leg author

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