Down, Up, Doubletime (DUD)

Down, Up, Doubletime (DUD)

–Posted on bahalf of Busch–

25 PAX showed up to this DUD of a workout.  No headlamps were required, as the moon and stars lit up the way…hopefully the workout lit a few of you up!   

SS Hops x 16

Mosey to the track for some fun.

DUD The goal is to do at least 20 reps during the all out portion, use that as a gauge for your pace and it should resemble a tabata style workout.  It should hurt if you do it right, hopefully you are barely able to squeeze out the last few reps at the end of the all out portion.

Burpees 30 seconds slow on the Q’s down, up count, then 30 seconds all out 

Squats 30 seconds slow on the down, up count, then 30 seconds all out 

Merkins 30 seconds slow on the down, up count, then 30 seconds all out 

Lunges 30 seconds slow on the down, up count, then 30 seconds all out 

Dry Docks 30 seconds slow on the down, up count, then 30 seconds all out 

Partner leg throws 45 seconds each, flapjack

400 meter run – Jog 1/2 lap Full Sprint 1/2 lap

Repeat DUD as many times as possible – 3 repeats were achieved with 20 Crunch Squeezes after the second round for recovery

Mosey and finish in the upper parking lot with a 15 minute upper body/Diamond Merkin/Merkin/Burpee/array of ab non-stop crushing!  Good Times!


Great work by all the pax this morning.

Zip-a-dee was a little under the weather, so others had to take the lead on boisterous counting.  Feel better, brother.

There was talk of the new workout “The Charge” being more like a spa than a workout…complete with robes, towels, cushy yoga mats, waterboys, etc.  A rename to “The Spa” was already proposed.


There’s still time to sign up for the Spring mud run (04.12.14).  Contact Stagecoach.

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10 years ago

“The Spa” was a far cry from Death Valley. A track that felt like a trampoline, heated turf so no gloves needed, and a moist towel pat down during COT to mop our sweaty brows. It may be tough going back to economy class after lapping up the luxury today lads.

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