8 men gathered this morning in the crisp air of Area 51.
The Thang
Joker on Q
Warm up… squats, SSH, IWs… all X 30
Playground stations… pull ups, dips, merkins
Rock pile… curls, squats, shoulder press… all X 20
Starfish run
People’s Chair and Lunge Walk
Lots of merkins… wide arm, reg-U-lar, diamond, incline, decline
Uncle Leo on Q
Jog to Jungle Gym
Obstacle Course COP
PAX complete exercise in COP while each PAX peels off and completes short obstacle course over Jungle Gym – balance beam hops, over climbing wall, over low bar and monkey bars
COP exercises – squats (?x), lunges (?x) and merkins (x15 in cadence)
Jog back to rock pile for Mary. Pick a partner and 1 rock per pair
Partner rock sit ups – pass rock each rep – x20
Partner rock Russian Twist – pass rock each turn – x20
Partner rock sit ups – pass rock each rep – x20
Greg Louganis (no partner) – x15 in cadence
Jog to the trail loop behind school
Merkins in cadence x 15
1 Trail Loops
Squats until all are back
Merkins in cadence x 15
1 Trail Loops
Squats until all are back
Merkins in cadence x 10 (that’s 310 merkins for the workout)
1 Trail Loops
Squats until all are back
Fellowship jog back to lot
-True to form, Floor Slapper arrived at 7:02-ish… stealthly finding his way into the warmup COP.
-Today, I [Joker] thought for sure I gouged Crabcake’s head when we were doing the partner rock sit ups. Crabacake was closer to me [behind me] than I realized… when I took the rock above my head I hit something pretty good… it was Crabcake’s head… good thing he was wearing a fluffy hat. If you see Crabcake this week and he acts confused… you will know why.
-Lots of merkins today. With Runstopper as our inspiration, we repped out 310 today. I was feeling pretty good about this, but I just saw Runstopper tweet that they did 340 today at The Rock.
——-Temporary Pause in Backblast———–
I just took a break from my backblast to do 31 merkins… so, that makes 341 for the today… sorry Runstopper. Speaking of Runstopper, the men of Area 51 felt so buff after this morning’s workout that we agreed we would wear our collared shirts “Runstopper style” [i.e., with a couple of extra buttons undone at the top, and no undershirt] for the balance of the weekend. You know we love you Runstopper.
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