

12 Pax set out on a no-as-chilly-as-we-thought-it’d-be morning for a fun filled romp around the Charlotte Catholic grounds

The Thang

Jog to Football field

Upper Body Tabata/Warm-Up (20 sec on; 10 sec off): Carolina Dry Docks, Merkins, Squat/Forward arm flaps, Squat/Upward arm flaps, Squat/Arm Circles. Repeat x 3

3-team round robin: Sled push, Sandbag squats, Rolling Figure 8, Flutter kicks.

Grandmother mountain, 3-team oxen pull x 3

Rugby Scrum practice

Run the Steps

Lower Body Tabata/Warm-Down: Flutter Kicks, Dolly, Rosalita, Side Plank, Flutter Kicks, Freddy Mercury, Micheal Phelps, LBC’s, Mason Twist.


It was a beautiful morning out in the gloom this morning. Heart rates were up, but sweat was down (due to the temperature).

I fully enjoyed the company today, with a smaller pack and more time for group activities. Ribeye and Lab Rat were strong allies on the Round Robin work and Grandmother mountain, though the rolling figure 8 worked faster and smoother in my mind than our execution on the field. And Iron Horse picked up the Scruming just fine. He’d be more than comfortable as a Hooker in the middle of a Scrum.

I heard Tiger Rag mumble a couple weeks ago (shortly after he made a mess of frisbee-style hairburners and brought a pee wee football to our field goal kicking contest) about how a Friday workout should have an element of fun to it. And so I tried to get a little creative out there this morning. It worked well, though I fear the Oxen pull provided a little too much opportunity to cheat as I saw many feet dragging up that Grandmother. A fact that forced me to abandon the backwards body drag up same said hill.

Speaking of Grandmother Hill, the meer mention of Sisyphus in the twitter-verse yesterday brought about echos of silence and seemed to scare some pax away. Alas, there was no such eternal punishments handed out today, though I will still like the idea and will have to work on that idea for next time.

This was my first Q in months. Thanks to all the pax out there for the good company and hard work out there this morning. Happy Friday!

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The Shore author

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Iron Horse
11 years ago

Great Q Shore – you brought the variety and fun we need on a friday. was fun to get a little scrum work in – its been a few decades since i did that. first post to Joust and i must award it as BEST VENUE. there is a lot of pain that could be delivered with those resources available. T-Claps to my Grandmother Mt partners for not only dragging their feet but moving them.

Stone Cold
Stone Cold
11 years ago

Indeed, some Friday fun at Joust. The good doctor always knows how to bring something new and different to the table. Thanks for Qing Shore. Great to have some Metro pax with us this am, Ribeye (Go Pack!), Lorenzo, and Gangsta Mouse. And yes, the clown car pulled up with the Kreutzer brothers, Night Court, and Lab Rat. Glad to have you guys as well. Keep coming back, Joust is growing.

Iron Horse
11 years ago

by “Go Pack” i assume you mean ‘Go Green Bay Packers’….thank you for the support of Cheeseland.

11 years ago

Shore great Q today.Trying something new/different with PAX less than 20, creates its own mumble chatter and everyone has an idea of who and what is happening. Solid audible, the end zone turf versus the high jump mat for the Figure8s. A lot of ruckus with the Stick Twins/NightCourt going Figure8 on the mat. How classic this morning, LabRat,High Stick & NightCourt make FNG Tri-Stick (My Brother InLaw) drive them to Joust. Welcome to the Gloom, FNG Tri-Stick (David Kreutzer) solid. Father of 4,Husband,triathlete, and cyclists. Spreading the word to my Metro Brethren to check out Joust. Another solid workout site on the Metro/South Border like Governator,DMZ,& MixMaster

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