Man Maker

Man Maker

11 men got a chance to throw around some weight at The Maul.

  • 41 SSH
  • 20 exploding merkins
  • 20 jump squats – In squat position, grab the back of your ankles for :30


4 stations, 1 minute at each with a 20 second rest in between.

  • Station # 1: Plank and touch the baseball that sits on the ground under your chest with the right hand, then the left, right left, right left.
  • Station # 2: Wall sit while holding a dumbbell out in front and rotate it back and forth like a steering wheel.
  • Station # 3: Donkey kicks on the wall
  • Station # 4: Side abs

4 more stations, 1 minute at each with a 20 second rest in between.

  • Station # 1: Wall sit with arm presses
  • Station # 2: Man Makers
  • Station # 3: Same plank touch with the baseball
  • Station # 4: JLos


  • All plank in a line, roll the medicine ball to the next guy and sprint to the hill and back.  When the guy next to you returns, you sprint.
  • Partner up.  Partner #1 sprints up the hill.  Partner # 2 mason twists.


It was a nice weighted workout today.  It’s good seeing the brothers Grass Stain and Crab Grass showing up on a regular basis.  Both seem to be pushing each other during the workout.  Pinkman made his return to the Maul as well.  Keep coming out my friend.

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Mic Check author

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Mighty Mite
Mighty Mite
10 years ago

I’m glad you didn’t start your birthday the same way I did a few weeks ago. 41 burpees would be no way to party.

10 years ago

Should be show at #F3RebelYell tomorrow i will be sure to announce!

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