Running Out of Time

Running Out of Time

Seven strong Men of Fast Twitch put up 4+ miles each on the #speedcircuit, while the bagpipe SOBs apparently continued their remedial work today on running a single mile.

The Thang:

Launch promptly at 0515, run down 51 to Davie Park.

Circle up for brief COP: 20 SSH, 20 Squats

Speed Circuit:

Partner 1 runs up to the end of the front lot and into the playground for three exercises:

  • 10x pull-ups
  • 20x dips
  • 30x LBCs

Run back to starting point.

Partner 2 runs to back lot, around parking lot and back to starting point.

Partners do 20-30 burpees total combined (20 for groups of two, 30 for group of three).

Flapjack, repeat the above 3x+

Jailbreak back to school for recovery, COT.

Total Mileage: 4.4 – 4.9, depending on where you were when we stopped in the circuit.


  • Rock Thrill arrived just as the pax were headed out onto 51, when he promptly ditched the vehicle and somehow caught up to us in time for the COP.  Nice work catching-up – way to start with a full-out sprint.  (at least he didn’t pull a @floorslapper-type move and drive down to Davie park to meet the group)
  • Runs together allowed for a little 2nd F, but was limited due to the absence of any recovery or ten-counts in the circuit
  • Being a dedicated FTer from the start, Spackler has apparently transformed into a persistent runner with the outfits, lights and all…rumor has it he has a full-body green spandex suit on the way for the winter.  Looking forward to that.
  • Great to see Flutie Flakes becoming a regular FTer.
  • YHC got a bit aggressive on the time going for the 4th circuit at the end – apparently that last one was going slower that the first one.  A winded Haze noted that we were clearly “running out of time”, so we traded-in the last round of burpees for a jailbreak sprint back to the school for COP.
  • Nice effort by all on the circuit – solid mileage with speed this week.
  • Joker on Q for next week


  • Joe Davis Convergence/5K to benefit Rock Thrills brother in Fort Mill on Jan 4th.   Rumor has it that we will be including another speed competition between Fast Twitch vs. Bagpipe (and others) as part of the convergence – more info to follow.   Details up on the website:
  • 2ndF: Sunday, Nov 10, 3-7 PM: Panthers Football Game Watching Party at Fox & Hound Ballantyne
  • 2ndF: Christmas Party eVite has gone out – 12/7 at TR’s crib.  Contact Baracus ( or 704-957-8130) if you didn’t get the evite or have questions


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Turkey Leg author

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11 years ago

Pull ups at Fast Twitch? Say it ain’t so.

11 years ago

Fast Twitch, 2 hour drive, 3 hour meeting and 2 hour drive home. I stopped to get gas and almost collapsed when my legs hit pavement.

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