Preblast: Devil’s Turn – Oct. 17

Preblast: Devil’s Turn – Oct. 17

Tomorrow, Devil’s Turn will have a progressive party.  For this party, there is no need to dress up, headlamps and GPS watches will suffice.  If you don’t have a GPS watch, there will be someone around you with one. 

First, go to (thanks Bratwurst) and input a race time that you have recently completed.  On the right side a bunch of numbers will appear.  We will be using those to dish up some tasty treats. Each “Dish” is one mile.    

Dish #1: Warmup at “Easy” pace

Dish #2: Take the average of “Easy” and “Marathon” pace, and do that for a mile 

Dish #3 (on track): “Marathon” pace

Dish #4 (on track): “Threshold” pace 

Dish #5: “Marathon” pace

Dish #6: Cool down at “Easy” pace 

Since each PAX will have their own targets, we may get somewhat separated although we will hopefully have some pace groups that form.  We will regroup at the track before heading back to COT.

Here are some values to give you some ideas on your various paces.

Run Times

See you in the gloom!


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Honey Bee author

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