Hills and Hairburners

Hills and Hairburners

24 Pax showed up to conquer North Face, Sand Bags, and Hair Burners. 

The Thang 

Mosey over to the other side of church.

  • 20 SSH
  • 15 EWs
  • 20 Mountain Climbers 

Mosey past the trees down the hill and up North Face. 

Partner up and grab a sandbag

  • P1- Alternating sandbag shoulder press with a squat
  • P2- Run around up the road around the trees down the hill and up North Face

Flap Jack 

  • P1- Up right rows with sand bag
  • P2- Run around up the road around the trees down the hill and up North Face

Flap Jack 

  • P1- Straight arm shoulder raised with SB
  • P2- Run around up the road around the trees down the hill and up North Face

Flap Jack 

  • P1-Carolina Dry Docks
  • P2- Run around up the road around the trees down the hill and up North Face

Flap Jack 

Plank until everyone is finished. 

YHC calls repeat. But we only did the alternating shoulder press rotation 

  • 10 Merkin Jack Burpees 

Mosey down the entrance to get some Hair Burners 

Teams of three

  • P1- Hair Burners up the entrance hill and back
  • P2- Diamond Merkins
  • P3- Walking Merkins 

After everyone does the hair burner then we repeated. Kind of- see moleskin 

Back to North Face for a one more round

  • P1- Deep Squats with Sand Bag
  • P2- Run around up the road around the trees down the hill and up North Face

Flap Jack 

Two lines for Indian Runs back that ended with a jail break 


  • 10 Merkin Jack Burpees
  • 20-25- Slow Cunt Freddie Mercury’s
  • 20-30 LBCs 


Happy to lead a great group today. North Face followed by Hair burners equals dead legs. Thanks to Tiger Rag for allowing me to use his plates. During North Face not a whole lot of talking going on. Just work. However, once we moved over to the hair burners and YHC called all the way up to the light post I got a lot of negative feedback. “No way, yeah right, we can’t do that” etc. Well, I believed we could because I believe in how strong the men are. So off we went. We didn’t make it, we couldn’t, it hurt. So I called an audible to only go to the sign. We all made that but it still hurt. So when we started the next round I shortened it again. The sign was probably close to 100 yards and the next round was probably 50 or so. It was also all up hill. 

Thanks again for letting me lead. It is always rewarding. Welcome FNG Voodoo. Hope to see you again soon. 



Rock Thrills family hosts 5k in January. More to follow. Should be a big F3 showing. 

HDHH happy hour tonight at the lodge 

Spring Mud Run sign up due by Nov 1rst. Get with TR

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Radar author

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11 years ago

Nice lead as always Radar. Definitely taking it to another level. At this rate it will be hair burners up the North Face. Hope you got all the plates and sandbags out of your car before this afternoons festivities begin…

Iron Horse
11 years ago

Good Q Bulldog – always a fine pound down. My first try at Hairburners…..quite an interesting little exercise. Radar, i hope your voice isn’t soprano as a result of yesterday’s butchery.

11 years ago

Was that a “Freudian slip” on the Freddy Mercury recap during Mary?

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