The Devil’s Turn: Hill Interval Edition

The Devil’s Turn: Hill Interval Edition

6 men chose to attack their VO2 Max this morning with some hill intervals.  Some standard cruising mileage was also thrown in for good measure.

The Thang:   

The troops assembled between 5:00 (Soft Pretzel arrived after doing a few laps around the median in an attempt to find the entrance) and 5:14 (Haggis came in hot just in the nick of time). 

5:15 came and we were off.  Some good conversation was had on the 1 mile to the hill while the PAX warmed up in the cool fall air.

Then the work came.  The assignment was to run up the ~100 yard hill as many times as possible in 10 minutes with a recovery decent back to the bottom each time.  All PAX completed 8 reps of the hill intervals with a total distance right at a mile.  Haggis ruined YHC’s plan to take it easy today (even after running up Crowder’s Mtn last night).  Nice push though to keep us all honest.

After a recovery mosey to the corner, the PAX were back to cruise mode all the way to S. Charlotte Middle where an impromptu 50 LBC’s were administered. 

Then it was back to running for the 1 mile to reach the top of the interval hill again.  8 more hill intervals were completed with strong effort by all. 

The one mile back to COT went by quickly through some 2nd F discussion of Thunder Road and the Palmetto Race.  Mighty Mite and Haggis poured it on at the end for a fast finish.  Rock Thrill was very popular with the Run for Your Life crowd congregating at the corner. 

The total distance was right around 6.3 miles at 8:57 min/mile pace (although that counts the time the PAX were doing LBC’s).  So let’s say the average for the day was 8:00 – 8:20 min/mile when we were moving. 


– Great effort today by all.  It was good getting to know Slim Fast who YHC had not met before.  It was also good to see Soft Pretzel out as a DT FNG.  I think we convinced him to do the Thunder Road half.  It will be great to have you out there brother. 

– We missed some of the regulars this morning (Bratwurst, Turkey Leg, Zip-a-dee, and Dolphin).  There were no HC’s so this is just an observation.

– Next week the plan is for a Progression Run.  Details in the preblast next week. 


– There is rumor of an Area 51 Palmetto Race team forming.  Contact Rock Thrill or Haggis as it seemed they were informed.

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Honey Bee author

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11 years ago

Toughest workout for a while! Nice lead Honey Bee.

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