Merkinfest 2013

Merkinfest 2013

You know its fall when Crabcake’s sleeves start to get longer.  It was definitely a cool, fall morning as 19 men showed up for Anvil Merkinfest 2013.

The Thang:

10 burpees OYO

Little baby jog to soccer field


  • Merkins x 20
  • SSH x 20
  • Merkins x 18
  • Slow Squats x 18
  • Merkins x 16
  • IW x 16
  • Merkins x 14
  • Calf raises x 14
  • Merkins x 12
  • Lunges x 12
  • Merkins x 10

Jog to parking lot

Merkin Suicides (5 cones)

Run to first cone and back/do 2x exercise

Run to second cone and back / do 4x exercise, etc.

  • Wide-arm Merkins
  • Merkins
  • Diamond Merkins
  • Man-maker Merkins
  • 8 count Body-builder Merkins

Jog back to soccer field

Jack Webb

  • 1 pushup 4 arm raises
  • 2 pushups 8 arm raises…etc.
  • Up to 10 pushups 40 arm raises 

Jog to pavilion

  • Peoples chair (arms to side, arms in front, arms overhead)
  • Decline Merkins x 20
  • Repeato
  • Wall plank

 Jog back to parking lot for COT.


  • Yesterday YHC got a call from Young Love.  YL is slammed at work this week and asked me to this morning, which I was more than happy to do!  It is always an honor and a pleasure to lead this fine group of men.
  • T-claps to Radar, Purple Haze, Boutique, and Strange Brew for squeezing in a 3 mile extra credit run this morning!  Apparently Brew caught something from Radar because he encountered the same problem Radar had last week – the sudden need to evacuate.  Hope everything came out alright Brew!  Why is it at this age that we still enjoy the occasional “potty humor”, as we call it at home?
  • YHC abstained from the run to conserve energy, which was probably a good decision since I still had trouble maintaining my O2 levels this morning.  Apparently I wasn’t the only one who noticed since it was pointed out that some of my calls and counts were a little less than enthusiastic.  Beuler…..Beuler….Beuler….
  • Great work by all this morning, and thanks for the opportunity to lead you in a workout that is already wreaking havoc with my arms as I type up this BB.
  • Thanks to Passport for a great prayer to close us out..


  • Convergence Saturday – For those pax not participating in the USMC Mudrun, there will be a convergence workout at the Rock (same location as Anvil – Calvary).
  • Christmas Party – Keep an eye out for new Save the Date.
  • Football / Bowling Party – Great 2nd F opportunity at Strike City on November 10th, starting at 3pm.  We’ll see which Panthers team shows up against the 49ers.

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Baracus author

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