(posted on behalf of Fletch)
Conditions: 60 degrees and breezy
Warm up, What warm up? We only have 45 minutes so let’s get to it!
Start from the parking lot and get right into the run towards the track
Sorry Mary – no time for you today
COT – Namarama
Thank you Chelms (aka Tater Tot) for taking us out this morning with a powerful prayer.
9 Eager men of South Charlotte left the fartsack in the rearview to take on the Murph with double the mileage. In lieu of traditional pullups, we substituted the Supine Pullup which allowed time for the 2 extra miles on the track. YHC knew we would be tight for time with 2 mile bookends bracketing this morning’s workout, but the pax was up for it. Each Pax decided how best to break up the mountain of repetitions – but it seemed like 10 sets of 10x20x30 seemed to work for most. Strong effort by everyone this morning – somehow Wolfman and Zip-a-dee managed to have a conversation throughout the entire pull/push/squat circuits – not sure if that chatter continued on the track following the 300 squats but it was impressive. Strong post from Spackler just 24 hours off of a weekend in Vegas #whathappensinvegas – nice work brother. Frasier looked like he could have knocked out a few more miles out there this morning – well done. Chelms (aka tater tot), Purple Haze, Flutie Flakes and Leroy were all getting after it this morning as well.
Such a pleasure working out with the Fast Twitch men and leading such a motivated crew. Enjoyed the fellowship on this near perfect morning for first F.
Mud run Saturday – good luck to all of the F3 Teams competing this weekend #Represent
Saturday: Day Zero and Area 51 converge at the Rock. Look for tweets/preblasts about other workouts.
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