Laying the Foundation

Laying the Foundation

YHC forgot the shovel flag this morning, but 23 pax (including 1 FNG) showed up anyway to enjoy the cool, crisp morning at Death Valley.

Little baby jog thru the parking lots to the far side of the school.


  • SSH x 25
  • Mountain Climbers x 25
  • Imperial Walkers x 25
  • Merkins x 25
  • Arm circles x 25 each direction
  • Turkish Getups x 10 R/L

Jog down to the baseball field for an animal theme:

  • Bear crawl from edge of grass to the outfield fence
  • Crab walk back to the infield
  • Inch worm to the fence
  • Dragon walk (or alligator walk) back to infield

Mosey back to the parking lot and partner up.  Grab 1 cinder block for each group from YHC’s truck.  AUDIBLE:  Smaller group today, so lose the partner and everyone grab a cinder block.

Head to the football field for some running and blocking.  Perform called exercise, then run 200 yards and perform same exercise again.

  • Side-to-side merkins on the cinder block x 20, rinse and repeat
  • Plank-o-rama
  • Shoulder Presses x 20 with cinder block, rinse and repeat
  • Plank-o-rama
  • Bicep Curls x 20 with cinder block, rinse and repeat
  • Plank-o-rama
  • Tricep Extension x 20 with cinder block, rinse and repeat
  • Plank-o-rama, including Makhtar N’Diaye
  • 25 LBC’s with the cinder block, rinse and repeat (no run in between this one)



  • Great work by all this morning.  Thanks for going along with my surprise plan of using the cinder blocks.
  • Apparently there was a nearly merlot spillage by a pax who shall remain nameless.
  • I realized while typing this that we did not do a single burpee this morning.  Everyone, down and knock out 10 burpees OYO. 
  • Welcome to our FNG Sussudia (Kevin S. is a Phil Collins look-a-like).  Good work out there, hope to see you back out soon.
  • Thanks for coming out to Death Valley.  It’s always a pleasure to lead such a strong group.


  • HDHH tonight – 6 pm at Vintner Wine Market and The Lodge.
  • Palmetto 200 is coming in March 2014.  This is a relay similar to the BRR.  Here’s the link:  See Slim Fast if you’re interested in forming an Area 51 team.
  • Area 51 3rd F workouts Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  Check website, twitter and/or weekly email for details.

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