Swamp Rabbit Shoutout

Swamp Rabbit Shoutout

15 men showed up this Monday for their weekly dose of THE RED PILL and they got a nice Dora 1-2-3 chaser to go with it…

The Thang

Tiger Rag and Uncle Leo get voluntold to grab the two 35 lb. KBs and we all head to the soccer pitch and circle up for…

COP (in cadence)

  • x15 SSH
  • x15 IW
  • x16 Merkins
  • x15 Squats

Form up into 2 columns behind Tiger Rag and Uncle Leo, KBs at the head of the line, for…

  • Indian Coupon Run
  • Last man sprints to front of the line and grabs coupon
  • 2 laps around all 4 fields

Line up on sidewalk for the Dora 1-2-3. How it works:
– Partner 1 sprints 50-ish yards and back
– Partner 2 does AMRAP for said exercise
– Flapjack until total rep goal is reached per team

  • Round 1 — 100 Hand-release Merkins
  • Round 2 — 200 Fingertip Flutters*
  • Round 3 — 300 Squats/Jump Squats
  • Round 4 — 400 Burpees. Just kidding. 4 laps worth of Tuck-jump Burpees (20-ish)
  • Round 5 — 2 laps worth of Selection Burpees (10-ish)

6MOM (in cadence)

  • x10 One-legged Dolly
  • x10 Other-legged Dolly
  • x20 Manly Flutters
  • x20 LBC alternating elbows

Finish it all up with…

  • x14 8-count Body Builders

Mosey back to parking lot for COT.



Swamp Rabbit got infected by the Dora 1-2-3 back in July and they still haven’t found a cure. This one was for them.

It was pretty quiet out there today. Probably just Monday Grumbles. Not sure though. Something about O’Tannenbaum not pulling his usual Matlock. And to say OT was doing even Little Baby Squats would be generous. Those were Cottontail thrash-squats.

Uncle Leo’s bedhead? Now a regular feature of workouts. It would be weird if it wasn’t there.

E-threats of ruck mutiny proved unneeded, despite the appearance of 70-some-odd pounds of coupon at the beginning of the workout. Hey, what happens at SPEARHEAD (ALL CAPS) stays at SPEARHEAD (ALL CAPS).

What’s a “Fingertip Flutter?” Why it’s the Jillian Michaels SelfMagazine.com Sexy Abs Fitness Routine of the Month. No, it just keeps you honest, slows you down and makes you have to run 2 more rounds before finishing the set. Same reason we did hand-release merkins. #slowdown #goodform #dowork

#TClaps to Skinner, Far Side and Chizzik (?) who completed a half iron-man relay this past weekend. Strong work, brothers.



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Dora out.

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