Six = 300

Six = 300

Who needs the Day Zero Challenge when we can take a little Spartan inspiration and do “The 300” for a little strength and endurance challenge at Area 51.  Six of the faithful were crazy enough for it Saturday morning.  Yes, this is a late post.  Yes, I am a slacker. Yes, this workout was painful.

The Thang:

Mosey to field and circle up:
SSH x 20
IW x 25
Grab a rock the size of your head.  You be the judge on how big your head is.
The 300:
In Cadence – 50 each: 
Curls with rock
Shoulder Press with rock
Goblet Squats with rock
Announcement that we will be doing 300 total of each exercise reduced the chatter of the PAX. 
10 cycles, 25 reps of each exercise/cycle OYO
2.5 minutes per cycle left us about 30 seconds of rest between cycles.
PAX not thrilled with Far Side’s request to combine cycle 3 & 4  into a superset of 50 reps but they powered through… and this wasn’t requested again.  All the PAX finished The 300 strong!!  Thanks for taking on the challenge.
Far Side Part 2:
trail run
SSH x 25
MC x 25
all kinds of crazy running moveslike backwards and sideways, this way and that, all over the place
indian run around track with last man doing burpees before sprinting up front.  each man rotated 5 times
11’s at the playground with pull ups and dips.
May led by alf
Doll x 25
Times up.
Alf dominated the crowd with some new flavor to the Area 51 routine.  thanks for the creativity brother.  Not too much chatter during the 300 so i guess it works. 
Holliday party and Panther game get together coming soon.  Love me some 2nd F.

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Far Side author

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11 years ago

“The 300” was cruel and unusual punishment, but good for the soul (maybe not the shoulders).

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