8 men decided to close out the 3rd Qtr of the yr with a nice, cool morning at the Foxhole.
Reps & running on the menu today.
SSH x 25
Imperial Walker x 20
Peter Parker Merkin x 15
Mountain Climbers x 20
Farmers Carry around soccer field, with 5 merkins at the KB transfer point.
Field for Partner Century Sets
Partner 1: hammer curls, Partner 2: sprint width of field – flapjack until 100
Partner 1: 2 hand swing, Partner 2: sprint width of field – flapjack until 80 (audible for time)
Partner 1: goblet squats, Partner 2: sprint width of field, 5 merkins – flapjack until 100
Partner 1: 2 hand overhead press, Partner 2: sprint width of field, 5 merkins – flapjack until 100
Flutter x 15 w/ KB press
Dolly x 10 w/ KB press
LBC x 15 w/ KB press
Russian Twist x 10 w/ KB
Hamburger Hill
Shoulder press x 10 (right), up hill for 20 mountain climbers.
Shoulder press x 10 (left), up hill for 20 mountain climbers.
Standing KB push x 15, up hill for 10 merkins.
Upright rows x 10, up hill for 10 merkins.
Hanging KB squat x 10, up hill for 10 merkins.
Mosey back to home
Rows x 10 (left)
Rows x 10 (right)
* spontaneous burpees by Wingman and Mighty Mite to burn last 14 seconds on the clock
Small group today, which worked well for century sets. Everyone was pushing hard, even
while gassed after the sprints. We definitely hammered out a lot of reps today, and decent
cardio to boot. Great start to the week.
Check weekly email for November and December 2nd F events.
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