35 of Area 51’s #Faithful posted in the Gloom for a workout that YHC should have modified…read below for more.
The Thang
Mosey to football field for COP
SSH, Mountain climbers, Imperial Walker, Slow Merkins, Slow Squat
Partner up with someone you don’t know for Catch Me If You Can
Lap 1: Partner 1 runs, Partner 2 does 10 Merkins then sprints after P1 – flapjack
Lap 2: P2 runs, P1 does 5 burpees, sprints after P2 – flapjack
Lap 3: P1 runs, P2 does 10 LBC’s – same routine as Laps 1 & 2
Lap 4: P2 runs, P1 does 10 squats – same routine as Laps 1, 2, 3
3 Minutes of Mary led by Double D’s then Mosey up to parking lot & find your partner
Partner 1 runs back to football field gate, does 10 burpees, & runs back to parking lot while Partner 2 does LBC’s – Flapjack
Same routine with P1 doing 20 Merkins, P2 doing squats – Flapjack
Same routine with P1 doing 10 burpees, P2 doing Turkish Get-ups – Flapjack
Circle up for 5 MOM
Dolly, Freddy Mercury, Rosalita (en Espanol)
10 Burpees OYO
So when YHC crawled out of the #Fartsack this morning he could hardly walk – #PlantarFascitis. YHC mentioned this to a couple of the pax as we were running and their response was, “So why didnt you change the workout?” YHC thought about around 0500 but was just too tired to come up with another game plan before posting.
Great work by all today. The running up the sidewalk to the parking lot was a little tougher after doing a bunch of burpees, merkins, etc.
Kudos to Robinhood, our War Daddy. Robinhood, way to push yourself, Brother. You are an inspiration to many.
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