Pre-blast: Devil’s Turn

Pre-blast: Devil’s Turn

Ok, the Bee is going to hijack Devil’s Turn again this week.  This time I cleared it with the Q’s though.  So it’s legit!

Same as last week, let’s start at 5:15 am (4-milers start at the same time) from the parking area at the Four Mile Creek Greenway (across the street from Starbucks and Trader Joe’s at Bevington Place and Rea Rd.).

Run 2 miles to South Charlotte Middle School (site of Death Valley) – see directions included below.

Use the running track for the following proposed workout.  For the 4-milers, the workout is optional since this will be distance in addition to the 4-mile route.  In fact, all the track work is optional as each PAX can choose their own speed for the goal of 8 times around the track (2-miles).

– 400m (1 lap) at applicable pace (individual PAX choose their own pace from Bratwurst’s calculator)

– 2 minute Recovery

– 800m (2 laps) at applicable pace

– 2 minute Recovery

– 1600m (4 laps) at applicable pace

– 2 minute Recovery

– 400m fellowship lap before heading back

Run the 2 miles back to COT

Before posting, get your target pace for each of the distances from Bratwurst’s online calculator. The goal of each of the distances is to run them at your prescribed pace and not faster.

Here is the proposed path to get to S. Charlotte Middle school from the Greenway parking lot:

  1. Go east on Bevington Place toward Rea Rd. and cross over into the neighborhood
  2. @ Dead End – Turn Rt on Coburn Ct.
  3. @ Dead End – Turn Lft on Brownes Pond Ln
  4. @ Dead End – Turn Rt on Rosecliff Dr
  5. @ Dead End – Turn Lft on Strawberry Ln
  6. S. Clt Middle School on the left in 0.4 mi

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Honey Bee author

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11 years ago

Bless your heart. I think you misunderstand the meaning of the term “hijack.”

11 years ago

Sounds awesome and very painful. Surely TR will join us this week…

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