Fashionably Early!

Fashionably Early!

The F3 Anvil shovel flag (One of the best looking shovel flags in all of F3 I must say) was planted in the a crisp gloom where 17 men including 1 FNG gathered for some Fall festivities. YHC overheard some of the PAX say they should had brought a jacket when they stepped out of their cars – not to worry, it won’t be needed!

The Thang:


  • Jog around the parking lot with a little backwards run & karaoke mixed in.                                                                                 


  • SSH x 20
  • Merkin x 20
  • LBC x 20
  • IW x 20

Mosey to the “sweat box” (aka the field house for a little bench work)

Round 1:

  • Jump ups x 25
  • Dips x 25
  • Decline Merkins x 25
  • Move it to the grass for 10 Burpees OYO

Round 2:

  • Jump ups x 25
  • Dips x 25
  • Incline Merkins x 25
  • Move it to the grass for 5 Burpees OYO

Plank till everyone is fininshed – Left arm, Left leg high. Right arm, Right leg high.

Next up was a little Indian Run around the campus of Calvary. Over the parking lot, down 51 and around through the grass in front. We ended at the lower field of dreams for a little more pain:

Round 1:

  • Bear crawl to 1st base, 10 merkins
  • Crab walk to 2nd base, 10 wide arm merkins
  • Crab walk to 3rd base , 10 diamond merkins
  • Bear crawl to home plate, 10 CDD’s
  • Plank work

Round 2:

  • Lunge walk around bases, 10 merkins at each stop.
  • Plank work

Mosey over to hill at the Rea Rd entrance:

  • Bear Crawl down
  • Sprint up
  • Plank
  • Backwards lunge walk down
  • Bear Crawl up then sprint to second parking lot and circle up for some Mary

Mary was skillfully executed by Baracus:

  • Flutters x 20
  • Right leg flutters x 15
  • Left leg flutters x 15
  • Dollie x 20
  • Freddie Mercury x 20
  • CCV x 13 each side

Jog back to COT with a little backwards run and karaoke mixed in for good measure!


  • Upon arrival, there was a CMPD cruiser stationed at the entrance – must have been there to escort us in style.
  • Indian Runs around Calvary are always  a crowd pleaser…
  • We learned a new use for gloves during Mary. CCV’s will make quick work of an elbow without them.
  • It was a pleasure to post with you this morning gentleman!


  • 3rd F 2nd meeting this morning at the Starbucks near Trader Joes, Rea Rd.
  • Young Life Mud Run on September 28th at USNWC.
  • HDHH – Vintners in the Arboretum and the Lodge at Rea/Colony – 6pm


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Baracus author

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