13 men rolled out of the fartsack and started the week with a strong downPAINment at the Foxhole. As promised, there was no running in this morning’s beatdown (only limited mosey’s for changing location). However, be careful what you wish for. When there is no running, there is more time for serious application of pain!
The Thang:
Mosey to adjacent parking lot for warm-up COP
– SSH x 30
– Forward lunges x 20
– Mtn Climbers x 20
– Backward lunges x 20
– Carolina Dry Docks x 20
– Side lunges x 20
– Merkin jacks x 20
Center of Field for real deal COP
Round 1:
– 20 Merkins
Round 2:
– 10 Merkins
– 20 2-hand swings
Round 3:
– 10 Merkins
– 20 2-hand swings
– 20 goblet squats
Round 4:
– 10 Merkins
– 20 2-hand swings
– 20 goblet squats
– 20 burpees
Round 5:
– 10 Merkins
– 20 2-hand swings
– 20 goblet squats
– 10 burpees
– 3 turkish get-ups each side
Total 80 merkins (including warmup), 80 2-hand swings, 60 goblet squats, 30 burpees, 6 turkish get ups
Bucket brigade:
– all KB in a pile
– everyone line up and first person picks up the first bell and passes it down
– each person does an upright row and then pass to next person (moans heard as Mighy Mites bowling ball made its way down the line)
– continue until all bells are at the other end of the line
– plank when complete
Audible called by special request of The Worm:
– PAX plank shoulder to shoulder
– pass all KB under the tunnel of love to the other end
– Rinse & repeat the other way (groans again when Mighty Mite’s KB came through)
6 Minutes of Mary
– LBC w/ KB above head x 30
– Dolly w/ KB press x 30
– Rosalita w/ no KB x 40
– Protractor called by QiC
– Cumberland County Viaduct x 20 per side (the PAX were so quiet at this point YHC lost count – there could have been 22 or 24 on one side, sorry if you are now lop sided)
– Mason Twist w/ KB x 20
– In honor of Big League Chew, 10 reps on your own of the Dolly-Flutter-KB Press (crowd pleaser)
Mosey up to the playground for AMRAP pull-ups for 4 minutes
Mosey to COT
Naked Moleskin:
– After Sunday’s training runs preparing for Thunder Road, YHC thought it would be a nice change of pace to do a “no running” version of Foxhole for those who don’t like running and those feeling a little burned out after long miles. It was a nice change of pace but YHC quickly learned that if you are not running, your other muscles get brutalized instead. But that’s why we are out here, right?
– After being an FNG at Stonehenge on Saturday, Grass Stain made his second post 2 days later at the Foxhole! I like the intensity! At 22, he has displaced Mighty Mite as the war baby in the PAX. Keep posting brother, we need you to keep Mighty Mite honest!
– There was only limited mumble chatter in the PAX today. It could have been the late night NFL game last night or Round 5 of the real deal COP, but things were quiet in the gloom this morning. The one exception was in COT when the PAX made a ruckus to show the Fitness Connection folks we can cheer too (and for much less than 50 bucks a month).
– Look out for Mighty Mite, Soft Pretzel, and Wingman taking commmand of the Foxhole in coming weeks. I see some serious pain in store for the Sons of Ballantyne.
– Young Life mud run
– F3 Nomad – on Sundays
– New Friday workout – Joust
– etc. etc. – see your weekly email for details
– over and out
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