11 men braved the 60 degree temperatures to endure a beating at the hands of Slapshot and Salt Lick on this, the two year anniversary of Area 51. Joker noted that the workout was begun 2 years ago today – it was the one and only workout in south CLT for some time. Now there are 100-150 pax on any given Saturday at a myriad of workouts across the PIE CRUST (aka South Charlotte). This workout didn’t disappoint.
The Thang:
Slapshot first half
SSH x20
Burpees x5
Imperial Walker x20
Burpees x5
Squat x20
Burpees x5
Mosey to quarry and grab a rock
Curls with Rock x25
Run across field to parking lot and back
Squats with Rock x25
Field run plus 10 burpees and back
Triceps with Rock x25
Field run plus 10 burpees and back
Overhead press with Rock x25
Lunge walk/run across field 10 burpees
Lunge walk/run back
Back Scratchers x40
TR Thrust x45 seconds
Back Scratchers x40
TR Thrust x45 seconds
Jack Knives x20
TR Thrust x45 seconds
Return Rock and Run to wall
3 minutes of Jack with decline
Merkins x25
Wide arm x25
Diamond x25
Hand off to Salt Lick
Mosey to Playground and Partner up
Pull-up Set with partner tag merkins
Start at 15 (pull-ups and merkins), then 13, then 11 down to 1
Pax were amazed that such a thing would be requested of them???? DO IT and QYB!
25 Dips, 25 CDDs, 25 Incline Merkins
20 Dips, 20 Diamond CDDs, 20 Diamond Incline Merkins
15 Dips, 15 CDDs, 15 Incline Merkins
Mosey to soccer goal
Pax line up on each side of goal,
One man shimmies down the top bar while the other men hold the goal
O'(ld) Tannenbaum tested tested both his back strength and the the strength of the top bar
Deflection was way over code
Circle up for max merkins. Some did 50+, PBQ did 10 on his knees and called it good.
4 MOM 20 each
LBCs (per corporate)
The fall weather was a welcome relief and the PAX seemed a little friskier than usual. YHC noted that it is a treat to work out with a smaller group. Happy Anniversary Area 51!!
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