HIIT That Log

HIIT That Log

With half of the SPEARHEAD faithful resting up for tomorrow’s GORUCK Light and The Hoff glued to his toilet due to antibiotic distress only a small but brave group of 5 arrived in The Gloom to face the Friday the 13th frightfest that awaited them.

No one brought a hockey mask.


Hop the fence, head to the end zone, drop rucks for…

COP (in cadence)
– x13 SSH
– x13 IW
– x13 Merkin
– x13 Mtn Climber

8 Mins of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)
– 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest
– Alternating Squat Jacks and Plank Jacks
– 16 sets, max effort

Log PT Session
– 2 teams gather on opposite sides of “Daisy” — our daisy-chained log monster, courtesy Big League Chew — awaiting us midway between the sidelines in the endzone
– Team A executes stated exercise for alloted reps (in cadence)
– Team B runs to their sideline, executes 5 good-form merkins, runs back to the log and drops for user choice of ab exercise (flutter kicks or hello dollies) until other team completes Log PT
– Teams flapjack – Team B executes Log PT, Team A runs to sideline

Round 1 (in cadence)
– x20 overhead log presses
– x20 log squats
– x20 log lunges
– x15 log situps
– x20 decline merkins feet on log

30 count rest

Round 2 (in cadence)
– x10 overhead log presses
– x10 log squats
– x10 log lunges
– x10 log situps
– x10 decline merkins feet on log

30 count rest

3MOM (in cadence)
– x13 flutter kicks
– x13 hello dollies
– x13 UDT flutter kicks



Couldn’t be more inspired today’s pax. This was a total grindfest of a workout, and every single person, to the man, gave 100% max effort. Every single one of us was on our knees at some point during the workout sucking wind for pushing so hard. There’s nothing like being on a team where you know every individual is giving everything they’ve got – it’s a rush. Strong work, men.

Thanks to M.Dora for providing the HIIT portion of the workout. Those FiA gals don’t mess around. In the first 2 minutes the HIIT had the cardio nearly topped out, and kept it there for the next 6. ZERO chatter from the men during this portion of the workout. They just put their heads down and pushed to the max.

Daisy is a work of art and genius, and an absolute B of a workout tool. Sectioning the log allows each pax to shoulder their share without worrying about different heights of the pax throwing the log off balance or shifting more effort to the taller pax. Chaining the sections together still requires the pax to work in unison. YHC failed to do that at the tail end of the overhead log presses causing Culkin and Schedule C to get their log sections yanked back. Sorry, F3llas.

Thanks to BTB for meeting me early to help unload the logs and get them over to the field and setup beforehand, and thanks to all the pax who helped stash the logs in the brush afterwards and who helped pull BTB out of the ravine.


0630 tomorrow 09/14 at Independence Park: GORUCK Light launch. We have a bunch of F3 brothers participating for the first time, including Angler, SPEARHEAD’s 70yo War Daddy, as well as many of our FiA sisters. Come help us celebrate their Welcome Party and quality-test their beers.

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Dora author

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