Eight men converged on Grier Heights to help the AG teachers make home visits to invite kids to particpate in the Bull Dog Matters program. It required us (at least me) to get out of our comfort zone and visit the homes of some of the kids that will be in the program.
It may have been the easiest workout yet as the AG teachers did all the work while F3 men were the “escorts”. However, the support was important and I think we learned some things about the kids we will be tutoring as they live in challenging environments and have tougher paths to success than most of us. As Tryon noted to me, the teachers did a great job and showed incredible dedication to the kids. It reaffirmed my belief that this is a great program with which F3 has partnered.
This was a great start to our program. We kick off tutoring on September 26 at 4pm at AG Middle School. Contact me at pchepul@gmail.com if interested in getting involved.
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