18 pax assembled in the morning gloom for a Crimson Tide themed painfest. But, as tweeted in the preblast, this would be at a non-SEC (aka moderate) intensity.
YHC was nearly cut from his own team, as he and Low Tide wheeled in 2 min late, but the pax was in good hands as Smash stepped in and put them through their needed warmup.
The Thang:
COP by Smash
Arrival of YHC and many apologies
Jog to football field with high knees and butt-kickers along the way.
YHC explained that the theme for today was University of Alabama football National Championships. He had planned warmup reps of 15, one for each National Championship, but felt confident that Smash had adequately covered the pax.
Line up along the End Line for:
Pax then moseyed to the baseball bleachers to celebrate Championships Past, Present, and Future with Circuit work:
Rinse & repeat for a total of 3 circuits (to celebrate the 3 championships won under Nick Saban)(and, if the Future 2013 holds, AL’s first three-peat)
After about 1/2 the pax had completed the circuit, YHC called a time audible due to O2 deprivation and thinking we were running short on time (we weren’t).
YHC asked the pax for participation in our next segment by offering to answer their preferred question, either: (1) under how many coaches has AL won a national championship, or (2) in how many decades has AL won a national championship. The pax wisely chose #1, the coaches.
Mosey to the outfield for a visit from Jack Webb to 5, based on the number of coaches under which AL has won championships. (For dinner party conversation and general well-rounding, the pax was informed that AL has won championships in 8 decades.)
While in the outfield, Mary came for a visit in the form of timed planks.
Mosey back to parking lot, where YHC realizes his timing was off by 5 min, and we can now complete the plans previously skipped by the audible.
And, in an act of humility and respect, YHC led the pax in a salute with Burpees, one for each year, of arch-rival Auburn’s national championships – 1 (Scam Newton-era, 2010).
With The Tide on a bye week, YHC was having withdrawals this weekend and attempted to fill the void with other games – USC v UGA (good one), Panthers (3/4 good), Packers (flashes of goodness) – but nothing quite tastes the same. So, YHC decided to share with the pax some UA trivia as we suffered through O2 depletion, a common occurrence at some schools for other reasons (‘cough’ – Auburn).
Good work out there by all and good natured accommodation of my theme. It was fun for me and hopefully everyone got a good workout too.
I saw several Ascent pax continuing to climb – Robin Hood; Pele.
Two FNG’s with strong first showings – Bird Flu; Marshall – keep coming out guys and you’ll definitely reap the results.
Base Camp FNG, Spackler, was among the pax, leading much of the way, esp during the Bear (aka Beast). Not surprising, as he’s a bit of a beast himself.
Thanks again for humoring me with the Alabama theme. I expect some payback come basketball season (rumor is, AL is considering starting rec league basketball in 2014).
It was an honor to lead the pax today, as always.
Thanks for the closing prayer, Smash.
P.S. for those curious or in need of additional trivia, the championship years to date are: 1925, 1926, 1930, 1934, 1941, 1961, 1964, 1965, 1973, 1978, 1979, 1992, 2009, 2011, & 2012.
Roll Tide! Aye!
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