Call to Action – Tutoring at Billingsville and AG Middle School

Call to Action – Tutoring at Billingsville and AG Middle School

F3 Billingsville – Our 3rd Year with the Afterschool Program at Billingsville Academy

Update from Nibbler (Brannon Dreher <>)

There has been new and exciting progress at Billingsville Elementary this year. The school has rebranded their logo and been renamed Billingsville Academy. Each child will be provided with uniforms and the Graphic Designer at my company was gracious enough to create a new logo and message for the school.
We are calling for volunteers again this year and we need NUMBERS to make an impact.

Here are the logistics
1. Date: Every Wednesday from 4:30pm – 6:00pm
a. Most importantly we need you between 4:30-5:15.
2. Where Billingsville Academy – 124 Skyland Ave, Charlotte, NC
This is a very important year for F3 Foundation as we have teamed up with Cross Roads at Alexander Graham Middle School where 98% of the Billingsville Kids go for the 6th grade (See Chelms’ post below). This is a critical time in the child’s life. They are in a larger and more diverse environment and the child has a high percentage of getting involved with the “wrong crowd.” This year we have the ability to track the kids from K-8th grade and we plan to use metrics to measure the impact we are having on the kids’ lives.

Using these metrics, the F3 Foundation will be able to complete grant applications using the metrics to demonstrate the impact from F3’s involvement. This in turn will allow us to make an even greater impact in our surrounding communities.
If you have more questions please feel free to reach out to the following, who will be able to answer any questions related to the program at Billingsville Academy:

1. Hilary
2. Super Dave
3. Kickin Chickin
4. Stick Bug
5. Grape Juice
6. Cougar
7. The Nibbler

Bull Dogs Matter – After School Program at AG Middle School

Chelms (Pete Chepul <>)

F3 is partnering with Crossroads to help kids in the after school program at AG Middle School.  As Nibbler noted, there is a real need for a positive influence for many of the young kids as they transition from Billingsville to AG Middle School.

Logistics – We already have a core group of guys that have stepped up but we definitely can use more.  Would love to get 10 or more men attending the session each week.


  • Training on September 16 – I’ll provide details for anyone interested.  This is not a requirement.
  • Weekly sessions – Starting September 26, Thursdays from 4:00 to 5:45pm with recreation for first half and tutoring the second half

This is a great way to make an impact in the lives of young people.  As if often the case, you may get more out of this than you put into it.  There is nothing like seeing the smile on a kids face after you have opened their minds to new ideas and possibilities.

Please post comment below if interested in helping with either program or contact one of us directly via email address provided above

About the author

Chelms aka Tatertot author

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