Four Clydesdales and a Honey Bee made the early six mile heat at a hijacked, and hilly, Devil’s Turn. The new route took us through Carrington, by Death Valley and over to everyone’s favorite hill in Raintree: Windbluff. Out and back is a hair over 6 miles.
- One benefit of a functionally Q-less workout is that it’s much easier to hijack. And so I did, though it didn’t take much convincing (#stockholmsyndrome) as the DT regulars seemed pleased to be off the Greenway. We ate no cobwebs, the footing was sure, and you could actually see beyond the beam of your headlamp. I am going to go ahead and say it: despite the markedly reduced chance of getting run down by a soccer mom in an SUV, the Greenway is overrated in my book.
- Since I was the only one who knew the route, I also hijacked the pace down to Fellowship level. As a result, we learned Haggis still has his kilt in a twist over the SOB’s clear and decisive defeat at Tuesday’s showdown. He’s devised a formula as elaborate as it is indecipherable to put Bagpipe on top—something to do with the volume of a sheep’s stomach and who knows what else—he trailed off, Groundskeeper Willie-like, into unintelligible muttering, then tossed a caber over some guy’s fence. ACH!
- Word is that The Crying Scotsman is back in the BRR mix, too, even without the $700 tube of prescription anti-inflammatory cream for his ailing knee. Joker uses about $500 worth of Ben Gay a month. You guys get together and talk. #RunningForTheSheeple.
- Other observations: the A51 Mountain Goats look more like bison; Honey Bee is fast; and we appreciate Brew wearing outer garments covering the loins. #SpeedShorts #6:52
That is all.
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