

Four Clydesdales and a Honey Bee made the early six mile heat at a hijacked, and hilly, Devil’s Turn.  The new route took us through Carrington, by Death Valley and over to everyone’s favorite hill in Raintree:  Windbluff.  Out and back is a hair over 6 miles.


  • One benefit of a functionally Q-less workout is that it’s much easier to hijack.  And so I did, though it didn’t take much convincing (#stockholmsyndrome) as the DT regulars seemed pleased to be off the Greenway.  We ate no cobwebs, the footing was sure, and you could actually see beyond the beam of your headlamp.  I am going to go ahead and say it:  despite the markedly reduced chance of getting  run down by a soccer mom in an SUV, the Greenway is overrated in my book.
  • Since I was the only one who knew the route, I also hijacked the pace down to Fellowship level.  As a result, we learned Haggis still has his kilt in a twist over the SOB’s clear and decisive defeat at Tuesday’s showdown.  He’s devised a formula as elaborate as it is indecipherable to put Bagpipe on top—something to do with the volume of a sheep’s stomach and who knows what else—he trailed off, Groundskeeper Willie-like, into unintelligible muttering, then tossed a caber over some guy’s fence.  ACH!
  • Word is that The Crying Scotsman is back in the BRR mix, too, even without the $700 tube of prescription anti-inflammatory cream for his ailing knee.  Joker uses about $500 worth of Ben Gay a month.  You guys get together and talk.  #RunningForTheSheeple.
  • Other observations: the A51 Mountain Goats look more like bison;  Honey Bee is fast; and we appreciate Brew wearing outer garments covering the loins. #SpeedShorts #6:52

That is all.

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Tiger-Rag author

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Mighty Mite
Mighty Mite
11 years ago

1. I’m really happy that TR felt safe during the run today. That was worrying me all week.

2. Next time we have a speed showdown we should agree to all events and scoring ahead of time.

3. I’m looking forward to the BRR. Aye!

11 years ago

It’s simple really. Take the average of the first heat results and bagpipe wins it. Throw out the ringers in the second heat (those who did it less than 7:30) and Fast Twitch doesn’t have an entry. Both mile heats go to bagpipe… plus the 4×100 relay. I think Fast Twitch may have beaten us in the 4×400, but they were so far behind SIB I can’t tell for sure.

So Bagpipe wins three out of the four events… a clear moral victory… right?

11 years ago

I’ll second that the 4 Mile Creek greenway at dark can be overrated. It is a nice option in the daytime with the shade and when traffic fills the streets. But in the morning GLOOM having quiet neighborhoods, straight sight lines, decent asphalt, and no headlamp required makes a good option off of this particular greenway (that doesn’t offer the soft surface that others do). Coming up with a 4/6 mile loop through Raintree or a flat 4/6/more? flat alternative may be a good way to improve Devil’s Turn and throw in variety.

Mic Check
Mic Check
11 years ago

Isn’t the winner of the 100 meters considered the fastest man alive? I see no reason why the team who wins the 4×100 meter wouldn’t also be considered the fastest workout in Area 51. Bagpipe.

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