Whew! That Kraut is Sour

Whew! That Kraut is Sour

16 faithful posted at 0630 in the middle of the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains for a “moderate” workout, but Sauerkraut didnt get the memo.

Skywalker on Q:

SSH, IW, 10 Burpees, Seal Jack, Merkins, Peter Parker, Dolly, Parker Peter, Mountain Climbers

In same parking lot:
Sprint to end 10 burpees, sprint back – Squats til all Pax are back
Sprint to end 10 burpees, sprint back – merkins til all Pax back
same with Dolly
We might have done it again; I dont remember

5-7 MOM

Sauerkraut on Q
Definition of Sauerkraut:Chopped or shredded cabbage salted and fermented in its own juice.”

Mosey to Stone Wall by the Babbling Brook for some Legarama
Peoples Chair
Peoples Chair
Jump Lunges
Something else but I was too smoked to remember

Mosey some more………until FINALLY
The Baby Layer Cake with a Side of Sauerkraut
Spint up/back parking lot then 5 Merkins,
Same with 5 Derkins
Same with 5 Squats
Same with 5 Jump Lunges
Same with 5 Burpees
Run a “Pal” – a backward lap in Sauerkraut-speak
Plank til done
Spint up/back parking lot then 34 Merkins,
Same with 3 Derkins
Same with 3 Squats
Same with 3 Jump Lunges
Same with 3 Burpees
Run a Lap that’s Sauerkraut-speak for run the Pal in the other direction.

Run back to Hibbard Hall (up a STEEP HILL), while being filmed by The Lizard, for COT

Naked Moleskin

So first, this was supposed to be a FNG-friendly workout as we had several new members of the Pax who joined us as FNG’s yesterday at the workout led by Dredd and Swiper. Dredd had asked us to keep the intensity to a moderate level, but Sauerkraut was having none of that. In fact, at lunch he kept defending himself with the line, “That’s nothing compared to what we do at Bastion.” Yeah, probably true, but the Blue Ridge Assembly site is essentially one big hill with almost no level ground and at altitude higher than most of us flatlanders are used to, Kraut.

Of course, it didn’t help that after hearing what YHC had planned for the first half of the workout, that Kraut had to call an audible and change his attack plan 5 minutes before launch. So Kraut ran the pax around, and around, and around, and around, the Assembly site trying to find the ideal locations for his doses of #downPainment.

T-claps to Hercules, a 60+ year old former flight surgeon who flew on the C-130.
And t-claps to all the JFG guys who had never been to an F3 workout until this weekend. We hope that you got a good taste of what has the rest of us so addicted. We look forward to seeing you guys in the Gloom!

And special t-claps to Davis “The Lizard” Kuykendall, Ken Schultz, and Chip Cash with Search Ministries for inviting us to Search’s 2013 Bootcamp. It was a great blessing to be amongst so many awesome men of God – young and old.

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Skywalker author

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11 years ago

Aye Brother. After Seal Claps I felt that I had to step up and drive that nail home. We mostly sit around in a circle singing Kumbaya at Bastion. We would love to have you one morning.

Nice work on the post. Fantastic weekend. Fantastic setting and fantastic delivery of all three F’s. Search Bootcamp is the real deal and I am blessed to have been invited to participate and interact with you Men.

T-Claps all around.

11 years ago

Hmmmm. Just read this blast again SW. I think you may have blacked out a couple of times during my part of the workout. We are missing a couple of my favs in here but I guess if I made Jimmer half splash I could have made you black out. #mydadsellsrealestatewithhispartner

Reply to  Sauerkraut
11 years ago

Jimmer here. Still sore thanks to SauerK’s sauer idea of layering cake on top of my broken body Sunday circa 0710. Half splash, I did not. Unless that’s what you call spitting. IDK, F3 has all kinds weird terms. I am still catching on. I appreciated it though and will (definitely maybe) be back in your company soon. Thanks for Q’ing.

11 years ago

Most notable missing from the moleskin was the Swiper impression of Jane Fonda during the SealJacks. TClaps for Skywalker to be able to laugh in cadence.

And that was no FNG friendly workout as the dry-merlot proved later.

Solid weekend of the 3Fs brothers.

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