Really, 100 Merkin Rows?

Really, 100 Merkin Rows?

(20) Pax came out to enjoy a hump day full body workout. Even the neighborhood fox stopped to stare.

The Thang:

With a partner you would perform a combined 100 reps of each exercise. While partner 1 was

performing the exercise; partner 2 would be sprinting roughly 40 yards and back. The partners would

then switch until they reached 100 total reps. The first exercise we sprinted up the hill; but quickly

changed that idea.

¼ mile warm up jog

100 burpees  / sprint up hill in between

100 dry docks / sprints in between

100 russian twists / sprints in between

100 merkin rows / sprints in between

100 heels to the heavens / sprints in between

100 diamond push ups / sprints in between

¼ mile cool down job

Mic Check finished them off with a little protractor

– Posted on behalf of Frack


What a smoker of a first time Q!  The pax started off with burpee and hill work and it never got any easier.

After another visit from our vulpine mascot, Wingman wants to rename this site to The Mad Fox.  We might face some copyright issues with The Foxhole.  Market Timer and Honeybee would probably sue us and the litigation could get ugly.

Haggis was still getting plenty of grief for his “un F3 comment” from Bagpipe yesterday.

YHC and Mic Check dropped the ball on getting our FNG Polo’s contact info.  Please sound off in the comments or send an email to if you have an email address for Polo or Philmont.


Not much in the way of announcements in this morning.

As always, Mic Check and YHC are always looking for new pax to step up and guest Q.  We’ve had a couple good ones in the last few weeks and have some others scheduled for the next few weeks.  If you have any interest in leading a half or a whole workout, please see one of us.

There will be a new Thursday workout starting at Polo Ridge Elementary but it won’t be starting this week.  Stay tuned.

There are, however, plenty of other workouts to go to on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday this week.  Go to them.

About the author

Mighty Mite author

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10 years ago

Well i guess you can get mauled by a fox.

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