The shovel flag was planted, and 5 pax eagerly anticipated the official launch of Ascent.
The Thang:
(High Tide on Q)
Warm-up jog across the field, around the baseball field, through the concession stands, and back to the field for brief COP.
(in cadence)
After we were sufficiently warm, mosey to playground to meet Cindy.
AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 20 minutes:
(Stange Brew on Q)
Mosey to field
Audible for early visit from Mary:
Mosey back to playground for circuit work
Jog back through field, around second baseball field
Jog back through concession stand, around playground, and back to field for another visit from Mary
With the launch of Ascent, a moderate intensity workout, YHC thought it an ideal time to establish a baseline for future measurement of our ‘ascent’. Cindy arrived for that purpose. While YHC knew Cindy could be a handful, the pax was encouraged to modify as needed, take breathers as needed, etc to adjust the workout to our individual paces. However, pax being pax, we all pushed ourselves to the bring of merlot spillage. Thankfully, no merlot was spilled, and we all gained a great benchmark to compare against down the road.
After suffering through Cindy, Strange Brew audibled out of his original plans, which was to be heavy on the merkins (bless you!), and essentially, made up the rest of the workout on the fly! Great job! Initial visit with Mary allowed the pax to catch our breath from Cindy, and then we began the next round of circuit work to complete the smoking of our legs.
T-Claps to the pax for really pushing yourselves today and to Strange Brew for the audible on nearly the entire 30 min of your Q! And, thanks to the pax for allowing me to lead today – it’s quite an honor.
It’s all uphill from here…Aye!
(SB – if there is anything I missed, please sound off. I was pretty O2 deprived during the 2nd 1/2 today.)
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