Grab your bell and do what feels right

Grab your bell and do what feels right

5:30 came and the men of Ballantyne charged full-on into the Foxhole gloom.  With our brother Market Timer down with a back injury after a particularly brutal Stonehenge (he was QiC), there was a particular fervor in the air to make a solid downPAINment on the week.  Mission accomplished.  Here is how it went down.

The Thang: 

Rack your bell and run down to parking lot by the fields

Warm-up COP

– SSH x 30

– IW x 25

– Mountain Climbers x 25 

Partner up for catch me if you can around field and to the base of the hill

– Partner 1: farmers carry

– Partner 2: 5 merkin jacks then catch partner, flapjack

Line up at base of hill – for sets of 11’s

– Upright rows / run up hill / pull-ups (audible called mid-way through – Q was a bit aggressive with this call)

Changed plan to sets of 7’s

– Squats with KB / run up hill / burpees (no KB)

– 2H Triceps extensions / run up hill with KB / 2H biceps curl 

Circle up in the field for COP

– 2 handed swings x 20

– Diamond merkins on KB x 20

– 1 handed swings x 10 each arm

– Traveling merkins w/ KB row x 20 (total – thanks for clarifying Bratwurst)

– 1 handed clean x 5 each arm

Line up on goal line

– Dollies with KB press x 20

– Run 100 yards

– LBC w/ KB x 40

– Run 100 yards

– Dying cockroach x 20

– Karaoke 100 yards

– Protractor (called by Soft Pretzel – thanks)

– Run backward 100 yards

– Rosalita x 20 (get your bell and do what feels right)

– All out sprint 100 yards 

Run w/ KB to COT

The Naked Moleskin:

The number of SOB at Foxhole increased 2.4x from last week.  It is good the word is getting out about the promised land that is the Foxhole.     

When Market Timer was officially placed on injured reserve on Sunday and asked YHC to fill in, YHC felt what better way to remember his sacrifice than to plan a true beatdown for the SOB?  In fact, YHC got a little overzealous with the call for 11’s including pullups and had to audible half way through to get back to a mere mortal level of effort.  Sorry Mighty Mite, Mic Check, and Bratwurst – it looked like you may have had the full 11’s in you.  Next time.

Nice job Long Distance and Chipotle for coming in with 33 lb (clarified not to be 35 lbs) kettle bells on your first visit.  You definitely got some street cred for that.  Impressive!   

The PAX was strong out there today and there was a great competition in the runs.  Iron sharpens iron men.  Aye!


– Wingman’s first time Q at Bagpipes tomorrow.  It sounds like he has been doing some recon and has some tricks up his sleeve.  Show up and bring it.    

– Mic Check and Mighty Mite are delivering the 1 – 2 punch at The Maul on Wednesday.  I heard them conspiring after the workout today.  Be afraid…be very afraid!

– Friday Chick-fil-a Arboretum for a little 3rd F.  New book. Buy it.

About the author

Honey Bee author

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Mic Check
Mic Check
11 years ago

I carried Mighty’s 45lb bell around in an attempt to throw out my back to honor Market Timer.

Way to step up and bring the pain Honey Bee. This Monday workout is a great addition to the Area 51 rotation.

11 years ago

Nice to finally get out there for my first “gear” workout that will be a nice addition to my weekly postings. Not only because it is the closest venue to home, it is a good balance to other more running intensive workouts, and to be able to lay down in a field and not get up with all of the dew and grass on you is most appreciated! Love that turf field at Elon…

Mighty Mite
Mighty Mite
11 years ago

I was a little sad when the 11’s were cut short. I need to work on my pullups!

Market Timer
11 years ago

Haha, thx Mic Check. Stay healthy!

11 years ago

There must be some mistake. I’m way too good looking to be a WarDaddy.

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