Take Me Out to the Ballpark

Take Me Out to the Ballpark

The shovel flag was temporarily planted as 30 cool dudes gathered for their mid-week workout at Death Valley.

Grab the shovel flag and little baby jog to the baseball field for an all-star break themed workout.


  • SSH x 23
  • Merkins x 20
  • IW x 23
  • Merkin Jacks x 10
  • Circle supine pull-ups x 10 reps x 2 sets (thanks for the idea Busch)
  • Circle plank (Mexican hat dance?) – CW/CCW

Head to the backstop for infield training

Round 1:

Group A:

  • Dragon walk to 1st base
  • Bear crawl to 2nd base
  • Crab walk to 3rd base
  • Bunny hop or broad jump home

Group B:

  • Squats


Round 2:

Group A:

  • Bear crawl to 1st base
  • Crab walk to 2nd base
  • Bear crawl to 3rd base
  • Crab walk home

Group B:

  • Alternating lunges


Mosey out to the bleachers for some spectator work.

Circuit Training:

  • Dips x 20
  • Rail hops x 20
  • Carolina Dry Dock x 20
  • Complete 2 sets of each

Short plank-o-rama

Mosey over to the left field foul pole for outfield training:

  • Run foul pole to foul pole completing exercise on each foul line
  • Round 1 – 10 Cumberland County Viaducts
  • Round 2 – 20 Flutter kicks
  • Round 3 – 30 LBC’s
  • Round 4 – 20 Dolly
  • Round 5 – 10 Merkins

With the pax sufficiently smoked, grab the flag and head up the hill for COT.

Before COT, 1 burpee for everyone.  After all, it wouldn’t be an F3 workout without any burpees.


  • The circle supine pull-up drill (need a name for that) seemed to be a crowd favorite.  Lots of mumble chatter.
  • No hill work (Spackler was extremely disappointed) today, but good strength and running activities.
  • I’ve never seen a human being move thru the bear crawl and crab walk as fast as Fletch did this morning.  It was truly non-human.  His team literally lapped some pax somewhere between 2nd and 3rd base. 
  • Strong work by all this morning, especially finishing with the gassers.
  • Welcome to FNG Porch Swing.  Good work out there, hope to see you back out soon.


About the author

Stage Coach author

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11 years ago

Stagecoach. Great work out and etc…. Enjoyed seeing everyone at the Lodge.

11 years ago

Better Fathers, Husbands, uhhhhh, etc..etc.. Amen!

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