Sweet Sixteen

Sweet Sixteen

Resampled_2013-07-16_06-20-08_572 Original artwork by Wing Man

Posted on behalf of Puppy Love

VSF planted and we launched @ 0530 with a ready PAX posting up to celebrate the 16th of July
The Thang:
Short jog to the Corners for a warm up – theme of the day is16 with all our work revolving around that:
SSH X 16
Windmills X 16
Merkins X 16
Plank:  Right/Left/Regular
Longer run to the Tower of Pain – aka Premier Parking Deck for a game of “Pick 16″.  Puppy Love wrote out 16 different pain stations on slips of paper and packed those in an envelope.  Each PAX will pick one from the pile at each level of the deck, lead the exercise for a 16X rep, then we are off to run to the next level and Repeato.  Mighty Mite thought their may be candy in the envelope when PL asked”  Guess what is in here?  He was wrong and suffered the consequences for the next 35 minutes.

Run back toward the launch point with a brief stop to the ground for Protractor led by Briskett – 16 degrees was a creative and painful choice.  Well done!

Solid performance by all of the team with serious water weight dropped i the parking deck – -was nearing 150 degrees in there (or at least felt like it…man it was HOT in there).

 Welcome to our FNG, Cable Guy who was EH”d by Philmont – -his second for the Bagpipe.  May put him in charge of Recruitment if this keeps up

Foxhole’s Monday Kettle Bell workout at Elon Park Elementary needs more victims – -give it a try.
Mighty Mite on for Q next week at Bagpipe – -be WARNED

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Mighty Mite author

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