Baby One More Time

Baby One More Time

10 men gathered in the rice paddies of Area 51 to start their week the right way. 

The Thang

IW X 15

Squats X 15

SSH X 15

Incline Merkin X 10

Pull Ups X 10; Dips X 25

Squats X 20; Pull Ups X 10; Dips X 25

Squats X 20; Pull Ups X 10; Dips X 25


Warm Up lap 

Joker pulls calf muscle

Tiger Rag takes over the Q 

1/4 mile run with pain station along the way X 3 times

Various stop-motion exercises, including merkins, lunge walk and 6 minutes of Mary


-As we all know [or at least we do now], Zip-A-Dee is a big Britney Spears fan.  Today, during pull ups, YHC noticed that Zip’s shirt was barely under his chest line when he was at full extension.  Zip was proud to show-off “midriff muscle control” that would have made him a perfect back-up dancer in his favorite artist’s most famous music video. We only tease because we love, Zip.

-Turkey Leg and Dolphin were supposed to meet this morning at 0500 to do a three mile run to The Matrix.  Only problem was that Dolphin didn’t show up.  So Mall Cop… you are off the hook… fartsacking in Charlotte South is no longer called “Mall Copping”… but rather, “he Dolphined.”

-Thanks for taking the reins Tiger Rag once my leg gave out on me.  The alternative would have been 25 minutes of upper body exercices.  Speaking of Tiger Rag… he must have come across some sort of “Stop Motion” article recently, in between the time he spends reading Popular Mechanics and Engineering Magazine.

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Joker author

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11 years ago

Stop Motion is simply my way of forcing better form while simultaneously making the exercise harder. What’s not to love?

I see no reason why Mall Cop and Dolphin can’t share honorifics, as in:
“Where’s Camel Toes? He tweeted an HC last night.”
“Don’t know. Guess he Mallphined.”

What’s the term going to be for asphyxiating the pax with Ben Gay fumes, pulling up lame as Q, then nearly sharting yourself during Mary?

11 years ago

Aye “J”, I’ve seen your wandering bromance eye for a while now so I figured I’d bring it this morning for all to enjoy. You can blame the calf strain all you want when bowing out; however, all I know is you went MIA to the bushes as “B” -Z- “B” (Britt / Zip / B!@TC#) brought you to your knees. “Don’t HATE ME BECAUSE I’M BEAUTIFUL”…..

Next outing shall be the day of the Joker to include accessories such as a headband, a 1/2,ie Quicksilver shirt, wrist bands and awesome tube socks to boot…. Nor will I forget the goggles because they’re awesome!

Here comes the fun!!!!

-Z- is OWT!

FYI, your Gay Ben fumes are not appealing

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