Aye! 15 strong men ventured into the gloom for the weekly FastTwitch beatdown. I am tardy on posting this, and short on time, so here are the essentials. Consider the moleskin to be crowd-sourced in the comments… chime in fellas.
The Thang:
Warm up: SSH, IW, jog a lap.
1 mile time trial, results below
various exercises across the field, followed by approx 3/4 lap run back to starting point. exercises included broad jump burpees, bear crawl, lung walk, more bjb’s.
sprints for 1.5 lengths of field, with deck squats in between intervals
peoples chair, and about 30 burpees until the bell rang.
time trial results:
49er: 5:57
Sprague: 6:00
Bug Eater: 6:06
Header : 6:10
Turkey Leg 6:10
Soul Glow 6:10
Flyboy 6:20
Purple Haze 6:28
Rock Thrill 6:32
Skywalker 6:59
Baracus 7:00
Stagecoach 7:09
Dora 8:00 (PR)
Strange Brew 8:05
Leroy 8:13
It was a beatdown, and there was a huge co-ed crowd on the track with us. I think they were glad they didnt have to do the broad jump burpees and deck squats.
Nice work out there fellas.
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