Turn your heads it’s about to get crazy. We’re gonna make animal noises. – Ricky Bobby

Turn your heads it’s about to get crazy. We’re gonna make animal noises. – Ricky Bobby

The bell tolled and 27 PAX including 1 FNG joined YHC for his first visit to The Matrix.  YHC wanted to make it memorable by planning in some Monkey Humpers and animal circuits.  Judging by the animal noises heard from some of the PAX during the workout, it seems to have been a success.    


– SSH x 30

– IW x 30

– Merkin / Peter Parkers x 10

– Monkey Humpers x 20

– Side lunges x 10

– Backward lunges x 10

To Field for Animal Circuits, partner up

– Partner 1: bear crawl, Partner 2: run around field until reach partner, flapjack until bear crawl all the way around

– Partner 1: crab walk, Partner 2: run around field until reach partner, flapjack until crab walk all the way around

Both rounds of animal crawls were #crowdpleasers

To the playground for some back work, split into 3 groups

– Group 1: pull-ups x 10

– Group 2: concrete block rows x 10

– Group 3: dips x 20

– Flapjack until all groups go 2x thru

– Plank-o-rama called by Tiger Rag while everyone finished (unclear rotation instructions by YHC caused a backup on block station)


Back to field for chest-o-rama / Mary

– Merkin with shoulder touch x 20

– Freddy Mercury x 20

– Dive bomber merkins x 10

– Low plank hip drops x 10 per side

– Dolly x 20

– Merkin jacks x 10

#shoulderssmoked – let’s do something else


Go to sidewalk and find partner from before

– Partner 1: Squats, Partner 2: run 100 yards and back, flapjack

– Partner 1: LBC, Partner 2: run 100 yards and back, flapjack

– Partner 1: Rosalita, Partner 2: run 100 yards and back, flapjack


Cooled it down with a mosey through the field to the far parking lot corner

– Plank-o-rama to catch breath and get everyone in line

– Recover to runner’s stance for a jail break back to the cars (Unfair lived up to the name once again)

– LBC “move when called” ad-libbed by Tiger Rag at the finish to take us out




The Naked Moleskin:

Tiger Rag mentioned as we lined up for the 100 yard runs that today’s beat down was probably payback for giving YHC the nickname of a Hornets cheerleader.  Perhaps he was right, but judging by the grins in the COT, I think it is just what the PAX needed to start the week off right.  There was a strong effort out there by all.  Aye!

About half way through the workout during the dolly’s, Joker drove by honking his horn at us.  I am not sure why he was not out there with us this morning, but it was probably a good reason if he had the stones to call attention to his absence… 

FNG Big Gulp showed some strong effort out there today and it was great to have him in the PAX.  We hope to see you in the gloom again soon! 

During the runs, Unfair lived up to his name again.  I think Bulldog has some competition out there now.  Better take it up a notch brother to show the young whippersnapper how it’s done…  Fletch (I think as YHC was far back in the pack) actually gave Unfair a run for his money in the jail break though.  Nice!

It was another great workout with a strong group of men.  Thanks for the opportunity to take the helm today at The Matrix. 

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Honey Bee author

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