Window Sprinting

Window Sprinting

A dirty dozen were ready today when the doors opened at The Maul. Lured by doorbuster deals on walls and hills, the PAX weren’t disappointed that all we did was look in the windows.

The Thang:

Jog to the first parking lot by fast food establishment

COP (all in cadence)

SSH x20
Merkin x10
Imperial Walker x20
Merkin x10
Seal Jack x20
Merkin x10
Squat x20
Merkin x10

Jog to the small walls by two mid-level eateries

Exercises in cadence
Step ups x10
Wall squats x10
Decline Merkins x10

Sprint around parking island (~150 yards)

Exercises in cadence
Step ups x15
Wall squats x15
Decline Merkins x15

Sprint around parking island (~150 yards)

Indian Run to taller walls by purveyors of poultry and biscuits

Split into 3 man teams
Man #1 – taller wall jump ups
Man #2 – ARAMP Merkins
Man #3 – sprint around parking islands

Rotate until all have done each exercise 1x

Mosey to small grassy area for Mary (in cadence)

LBC x20
Flutter x20
LBC twist right x10 left x10
Dolly x20
Greg Louganis x20

Jog to grassy hill behind red dot retailer

Various running exercises up hill (long strides, sprints, bunny hops, bear crawls)

Indian run back toward launching point

Stop near sub and steak eateries for

Lunge walk up hill
Squats x20 in cadence
Jog down hill
Sprint up hill
Jog down hill

Running snake around parking islands with karoke right and left, backwards running, butt kicks, jogging and sprinting all mixed in

Finish with one final sprint in the launch lot

Naked Moelskin:

TCLAPS to all the PAX today, we covered a lot of ground and everyone did a great job sticking together in transit.  Long Distance lived up to his name today.

During the pre workout chatter YHC learned that the wall squats were part of a Tuesday workout, sorry for the repeat but it wasn’t planned

Runstopper wanted to move the large stone balls at our first stop today. YHC believes that you can’t lead what you can’t do, so I’ll leave that effort to Runstoppers next Q at The Maul

The tall wall jump ups felt like vertical burpees. Probably like vegetables for a 2.0 – not your favorite but good for you.

Interesting that nearly every stop our our tour today can be described by some sort of restaurant #socialcommentary

Thanks to Wingman for the backblast title

About the author

Uncle Leo author

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Mic Check
11 years ago

Grueling workout Leo. Q covered a lot of ground as promised and used all the areas The Maul has to offer. Somehow you made the 45 mins feel like 1:45 mins.
Everyone seemed to take turns leading the sprints. Wingman and Haggis were looking extra speedy today. Welcome Woodchuck, keep showing up brother.

Mighty Mite
Mighty Mite
Reply to  Mic Check
11 years ago

I totally agree. I was starting to be afraid that I was going to be late for work at 8.

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